Australian Election Study 2001 provides interesting reading
With the Australian Federal Election coming up soon I thought I'd read up a bit on what had happened at the last election and why the liberal party won etc. I stumbled across this study from the 2001 election where 4000 people were asked a variety of questions on a huge number of topics. At first glance it doesn't make hugely interesting reading but if you get down into the serious data it is informative and interesting. Haveing looked through a lot of the data I like question B22.
B.22. Regardless of how you feel about the parties, would you say that any of the individual party leaders in the last election represents your views reasonably well? If so, which party leader represents your views best? (Circle one number only.)
36.1% John Howard
22.7% Kim Beazley
2.2% John Anderson
7.2% Natasha Stott Despoja
6.0% Bob Brown
6.0% Pauline Hanson
.6% Other party leader
19.2% No party leader rep views well
Basically I think people didn't like Kim Beazley at the last election. All of the party stats come back pretty even so I think everyone thought that Kim was just crap.
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