Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Vodka RedBull Indoor Soccer

After much soul searching I have decided to publish to rules of a stupendous game known as Vodka Redbull Indoor Soccer. Additions to the rules are welcome and should be left in the comments section. I make no judgement on the safety of playing the game nor accept any liability for any injury caused while playing Vodka Redbull Indoor Soccer.

To play you will require one standard game of indoor soccer (futsal will do at a pinch) and a large collection of vodka and redbull.

-The vodka and the redbull should be premixed in a 1:1 ratio.
-Each shot shall be a standard 30ml shot.

1 shot penalty.
Score a goal (standard)
Concede a goal while goal keeping
Blatant error including miscontrol etc
Abusing the ref
Allowing the opposition to dance past you while defending and score.
Either coming off or going on as a substitute

2 Shot penalty
Score a goal (header or with your non favourite foot)
Receive a yellow card
Injure a member of the opposition team

3 Shot penalty
Score a goal (crotch or other strange body part)
Receive a red card
Injure a member of your own team.

4 Shot penalty
Score a goal (bicycle kick)
Score a basket in the netball rings (if applicable)
Injure the ref
Dog on the field

Additional Rules
The third quarter is the beer quarter, all shots shall be replaced with beer.
In semi-finals and grand-finals all shots are doubled.

All heart attacks and palpitations caused by consumption of redbull are the responsibility of the player. Redbull recommends you only drink two cans a day but personally I'd say 20-30 is more appropriate. If you do have a heart attack or palpitation that is an additional 5 shot penalty.

Combo Moves
Combining two of the above skills will results in doubling of the number of shots. Eg. If you score a goal while abusing the ref (1+1 shots) you'll actually have to do 4 shots.

Combining three of the above skills will results in tripling of the number of shots. Eg. If you score a header goal (2 shots) while injuring the ref (4 shots) and there is a dog on the field (4 shots), for a total of 10 shots, you'll actually be required to complete 30 shots!

This system continues up to any number of combined skills.



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