Submarine Yacht
The price on this little sucker seems a little high at $80M US, but it would be pretty cool to have your own underwater submarine yacht. Imagine the life you could live, under the sea, travelling around in virtual anonymity. Releasing depth charges wherever you wanted to sink international trade. Looks like its fully equipped with a whole bunch of luxury gadgets along with stuff to actually make the thing go and if you were really an insane madman, you could easily chump the whole thing up with weapons and have some kind of death boat.

I like the name. It's imaginatively called the 65m submarine. It's 65m long. It's a submarine. quote from page:
"This design, which we have named the 65m Submarine, has more than ample space."
Yeah its not the most imaginative name in the whole world. I guess if you bought it you could rename it "Killer Death Boat from Planter Raigon IV" or whatever you want really.
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