Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Soccernet Best Headline Ever!!

As a regular reader of soccernet I was quite amused to find this article with perhaps the greatest headline in the history of sports journalism. The article is a serious piece of reporting but I just can't stop laughing at the title. It begs the question, did the editors of the site really read what was being published?? If it was intentional then its a stroke of genius, if it was unintentional even better.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

One from a few years ago: "Keegan to fill Schmeical's gap with Seaman".

9:51 AM  
Blogger lasonovich said...

Aaah, these things are pretty funny. I read another report about this that claimed that is was probably intentional as the soccernet guys have a history of this kind of thing. So there may be many more hidden gems locked in the soccernet archives.

9:57 AM  

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