Hong Kong part 1
Hello and welcome back to the blog!
Interspersed with my normal ramblings will now be included some travel ramblings to keep you all interested and occupied.
First of all Hong Kong!
It feels like months ago that I was in HK, but in reality it was but 3 short weeks back.
Many more hours were spent wandering around around the city looking for the elusive fermented tofu, it can be smelt everywhere and made me want to barf more than any other smell in the history of the universe. I think HK is a fun city, lots to do and easy to get around. Its not always cheap though, some types of shopping and food are but its also got an ultra rich upper class so its a strange mix. There's so much to be done that you can't help but blow a few thousand on some Faberge eggs and caviar.
In addition we had to take a look at HK, at both daytime and night time. Of course the buildings are all now filled with out of work bankers who choose to barricade themselves in their offices rather than give up HK real estate. Thank you GFC. Nerf battles are the only way for them to defend their territory.
Of course in HK you must eat. Below is a before and after picture of Kathleen with a ginormous piece of cheesecake from the main st. deli, highly recommended for New York style food on the far side of the world.
She didn't get quite through it all, so that was left to me.
That was just 1 day! So much to do.
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