Thursday, March 17, 2005

Magic Clock = Waste of Time

So some genius's in Cambridge UK have invented a clock that can pinpoint where a person is. Hang on the more I read about this the more full of crap it is, first of all it can only 'pin-point' the location to somewhere predefined like work or school or at the crack house or something. If its using GPS why can't it provide an actual map linked to an online map service or something. That'd keep those kids off the gutter and out of the brothels. But wait its got to be even stupidier becasue whoever you put it on has gotta be carrying the GPS thingee in the first place. Never fear it gets crapper yet, the clock is supposedly only in a conceptual stage and hasn't even been designed or is anywhere close to being built yet. Stupid news providing news that isn't even news, if you want to read about the world's worst clock then go ahead. Its your funeral, but it made me waste 5 minutes of my life.


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