Ape Family!
Aaaah, there really are Ape Men! According to some high quality research there is this whole family that due to some weird genetic trait has unevolved to walking around on all four limbs at all times. They are like meercats and can only stand for short periods of time. You know what, I bet this is one of those internet hoaxes, some fool somewhere went "I bet you can't convince the world that there are ape people out there" and some other fool went "You know what, I bet I can by making people walk around on all fours". The internet is filled with this type of crapola, and I'm waiting for some hard evidence that these people actually exist. Sure, this other site has a backwards evolution theory and a video but who the hell has every heard of "World Science". I'm willing to be proven wrong, but until that point, you are all crazy.

Thanks Patrick!
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