DRM Stupidity
Digital Rights Management (DRM) is the bane of the world as we know it. Its the thing that means that you can't backup some of the cds you own, its the stuff that tries to prevent you from saving your DVDs to your harddrive and it also is completely impracticle to manage because everyt time a new flavour of DRM comes out, L337 H@x0rs crack the security in about 10 seconds flat. Well now to make a dumb idea even dumber comes the plan to release movies over the net. No, this isn't a new plan but instead of the movies been cheaper than DVDs they will cost twice as much and be crippled by DRM. This is the worst idea in the history of bad ideas, these movie companies could make millions by just producing a reliable product at a reasonable price. I know I'd download more movies legit if they came with a guarantee of quality and were reasonably priced. But instead they just screw the consumer by charging more for a product that may not even play on all machines. So screw you record and movie companies, your every move only prompts me to download more stuff illegally.
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