eBooks were once detined to be the next great thing. You'd be able to take a million books with you where ever you went and they'd be easier to read than paper and would only cost your first born son. Well at some point people realised that reading on computer monitors (CRT and LCD) sucked pretty hard.

The refresh rates meant that your eyes got super tired and soon you were like this guy. Well I've been hearing a bit about this fancy new
electronic ink eBooks that is actually a static image that only gets refreshed when you change a page. Supposed to be good for the eyes and also actually looks kind of like a real book. So here is a review of one of these funky devices that I might just have to buy at some point soon. Well I will buy if they price the books at a few bucks each not like the mega rip off current prices of like $30 for a paperback new.
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