Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Indiana Jones and the scouge of my @ss

So, they are out there and supposedly making another indiana jones mooofie. With Harrison Ford and George Lucas and the helm its guaranteed to be a cash cow, but will it actually be any good. I'd say no way, and here is my 5 reasons why...

1. They'll use way too much CGI, George Lucas loves that stuff and indiana jones will never look good with that type of crap going on.
2. They've spent 10 years working on the script with about 5000 people having a go so the plot will make no sense at all.
3. The current crop of movies just can't match the renegade 80's style of semi comic and semi action styling. Nothing has come close since the late 80s.
4. Harrison Ford, used to be good - now too old to be doing any funky stunts.
5. Not enough tanks, there is no way they will include enough tanks in the movie, that is all.

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