Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Hong Kong part 2

Well the next couple of days in HK proved as exciting as the first. Day 2 included a trip to the fabled land of magic called disneyland, and it didn't up as bad as charlie's trip to candy mountain!

Disneyland in HK was a disappointment for me, smaller than its LA counterpoint it also has focussed entirely on the cutesy side of things. Rides are designed for 5 year olds or imbeciles and although space mountain still rocks, I found the whole experience slightly tarnished by the steep entry price and lack of killer death roller coasters.

Of course it wasn't all bad the teacups are always amusing once you get them up to mach 2 or so. Keep spinning faster and faster and your lunch will soon be revisiting you! Of course no trip to disneyland is complete without some terrible food, which proved to be the case here too. Yay!

In the evening the lure of HK harbour proved too much once again as we decided to brave the mist and take some photos around the fun of Tsim Sha Tsui.

The next day we were off to Tai Po, to visit a more relaxed and calming area of town. It was nice wandering around the parks and high rises before heading back into the centre of town and the island for a trip up the peak. Don't get the tram up the peak, walk! You just have to get the bus to the base of the peak near the university of HK and find an appropriate path up the hill. We thought we had gotten lost or got the wrong bus, but a good hours walk up the hill provided some great views and then you can ride the tram down.

Well after that there was little to do but jump on the plane to Shanghai.

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