Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Evil Plans Rule

So I've returned from the world of the yakuza. After being kidnapped by a bunch of honda riding yakuza generals with some serious tattoos I was forced to live in a cave subsisting off a thin stew made from fish, prawns, lobster, 3 kinds of noodles, vegetables and rice. I spent my time formulating a plan for world domination (thanks Dan) and eventually was able to escape to my obisidian citadel in the clouds. No wait, that could have just been the acid flash backs from nam. Hang on a minute here I'm back in Canberra and can already feel the energy leaving my bones. Soon I will be a shell of a man with nothing to keep me occupied but this blog and plans to assasinate the sasquatch. Photos and Crap from my trip will be online at some point when I get around to it. Expect many updates in the days to come.


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