Thursday, February 02, 2006

Automatic Translations Bite

Everyone knows that automatic translation machines are a thing of ridicule. You should only attempt to use them to provide really bad insults in other languages over the web. Well this little web app proves how bad the online translations really can be. It takes whatever phrase you input and then runs in through five common languages (using babelfish's translator) before returning it to English. The phrase that comes out at the end is usually complete crap and makes no sense at all. So if you've got a few spare minutes try running your favourite phrase through.

As an example I took the common phrase "My purple goat suffers from an anxiety disorder" and it came up with "The goat-high-red mine suffers of a dispersion of the interest"

Thanks Ingi!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

thats the dodgiest bit of code i've ever seen

4:13 PM  

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