Straya Day!!
What Straya day (January 26) wouldn't be complete without some fine background info about Straya. (It is a powerpoint doc so you'll need powerpoint or the free viewer available from evil microsoft.) Now the history of Australia is basically a bunch of hobos got sent out here for stealing a loaf of bread from the King of England's table in the mid neolithic era. They then formed their own rock band and proceeded to introduce such gnarly concepts as boony, the 1.5 litre beer and the excellent idea of sitting outside in the sun when its 48 degrees C drinking beer and eating hot meat. They soon triumphed as the greatest country in the world but couldn't quite take over the world because their population was so drunk. So enjoy your Straya day people and if you are from another country just take the day off as a religious holiday.
I just had to put this picture of our beloved PM up.

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