Ricky Gervais and Wil Anderson unplugged?
These have supposedly grown to become the #1 podcast in the world, as measured by the complete internet statistics compiled every night by a team of small monkeys working furiously on an Apple IIe. Those same monkeys have rated this blog as the single greatest achievement in the history of the universe so I'm not sure how accurate the stats are. Well anyway, Ricky Gervais is the funny guy from the original office (so much better than the lame US version) and him and some hired goons got together and made an internet show. The show, called surprise surprise Ricky Gervais podcast is quite amusing. So get downloading and listen to something to increase your brain power instead of those Kelly Clarkson cds over and over again.
On a semi-related note I went and saw Wil Anderson last night for a random comedy jaunt as preparation for his new show. It was funny and he managed to keep us laughing for a couple of hours in a planned one hour timeslot. Personally I enjoyed his random stylings more than his planned material and as this show was a mix of both it was damned funny. The only shame is that he didn't make any promises about a return to radio, although I wish he would as Adam Spencer and him were way funnier than the lame J and the Doctor.
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