GNU Radio!
Aaaah, Gnus if there is any finer animal in the world I dunno what it is. I'm still not quite sure why a Gnu is out designing a radio but hell what am I? Some kind of genius or something. All I know is that this Gnu, yes this very one has successfully desgined a Radio and video thingee that circumvents all those nasty rules about what you can and can't use your HDMI equipped 42" plasma for. So instead of having to put up with crap from the man you can actually freely access content that is buzzing around in the air. Plus as an added bonus you can actually use the thing to receive GPS signals and all kinds of other stuff. They all use radio waves right and this device can be used to receive crap from any part of the spectrum. Read the damned article if I'm not making any sense here or just look at that Gnu.
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