A day trip to Huangzhou had been organised for a bunch of us from Shanghai (thanks again Case and Ben). After 3 an a half hours on the bus without a rest stop (thank you Mr. Bus driver) we were all keen to use the facilities. Well use the facilities, and check out some of the sights. Huangzhou is a small tourist town of around 6-7 million people. The main tourist part of the city is centred around west-lake and we were off to see some the Lingyin temples.
Huangzhou felt like a breath of fresh air after the pollution that had been Shanghai, there was sunlight and you could make out things in the distance! Next we fought our way to the pagoda. The lake in front of the pagoda was filled with thousands of turtles, literally.
Further time spent later in the day wandering around the lake was spent eating ice-cream and trying to get chinese ladies to dance. Well that was the aim of certain members of the party, but not necessarily enthusiastically embraced by all. The bus ride back at least involved a roadside pitstop. The gentlemen headed to the front of the bus in the glaring lights to prove their manhood.
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