Wednesday, July 01, 2009

St Andrews, home of the patron saint of golf

As I write this its been a bit over a week since the olde visit to the east coast of sunny scotland. We started at Anstruther, famous for its fish bar, where you can get into a real fight with a halibut over a spilt prawn cocktail. Nah, its a helluva place filled with chip shops and nice views out over the tiny jetty.

So we headed to the famous Anstruther fish bar, winner of best fish and chips in the UK a couple of times. First problem, they wouldn't do salad take away for K, well that's just plain ridiculous, make the salad and put it in a box to take away. How hard could it be. So the fish supper (fish and chips) was good but not great, if this is what Britain has to offer as the best version of their national dish then I'm sorely disappointed. Sure it was better than your average pub version but it wasn't earth shattering. Still our car enjoyed the ride and the excitement of a partially clear day in Scotland.

Next stop St Andrews, home to some amazing ruins, some type of golf course and a uni where prince william spent most of his time getting drunk and trying his luck with the local neddys.

If you cannae understand wae a
neddy is
then yar need to yar hed examined.

In fact, St Andrews is a nifty kind of touristy town, the ruins of the old cathedral are stunning, with or without an icecream and the local castle looked very castley. The old town streets were fun for a bit of a wander, and because the weather was good every man and his dog was out getting drunk and eating ice cream. Fun! Of course no visit to St Andrews is complete without trawling through the thousands of antique stores, not....

No visit to St. Andrews is complete without a visit to the home of golf. It was a mild day so I hit 65 off the stick on the old course, not a bad achievement considering I haven't touched a club much in the last couple of weeks. Actually they wouldn't let me on the old course because I didn't have enough starch in my shirt and my salary was not measured in weight. Still, its a cool course and I can see why it would be damned hard when the wind gets up.

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