This is perhaps one of the worst photos of my brother seen, I mean the harness really doesn't do anyone any favours does it. Anyway, it didn't matter because we were about to go ape and trash some shite. Up in the hills near Aberfoyle is a fine place called go ape where you get to go round, climb stuff, jump into nets and eat copious amounts of bananas while scratching your balls.
First off is a 400m wire drop across some national park or something.

Some people's landing tactic seemed to involve crashing into the ground and filling your pants up with tanbark for later scratching action. Still there were 6 stages around the course and the best were the last two. Course 5 is super high and involved some stirrup style footholds that were virtually impossible to get yourself over. Plus immediately after them were some extra sideways wobbling narrow planks, where Adam managed to fall off (into his harness) and cut up his hand good.

Nice. Stage 6 involved climbing up a large tree and swinging across into a giant net which you then had to clamber out of to an even higher perch. 'Twas particularly amusing to see some locals teens having absolutely no upper body strength get stuck on the net and have to be helped up... Ha hahahha, losers.
Oh well, we made it that far and after a leisurely drive back to our chateau in the forest we spotted a supreme example of british motoring history.

The three wheeled car done up in full racing colours kept me amused for hours!
Labels: Aberfoyle, Go Ape, Scotland
Haha, Adam doing physical activity. The concept alone is amusing enough for a post all by itself!
P.S. kathleen looks like she could do with some sunshine. Or maybe it's a vegemite deficiency..
No wonder the French thought she looked scottish!!! Get that girl some cancer-rays, stat!
Alright, I get it, I'm looking a little pale! Looking heaps bronzed yourself after a Victorian winter, are you Patricio?
I actually am paler than the locals, coz they have been roasting themselves on their holidays. They think peeled skin looks healthy......hhmm.
It's alright, thank you for thinking of my B12 intake - I am getting plenty of vegemite! It's actually cheaper here than at home!
This close to the ozone hole, I can't help but be well tanned even in the depths of winter :)
Actually, it's just starting to warm up down here, which I assume means it's starting to cool down up there. Sunshine lollypops and rainbows for all, except in Scotland :-P
Kathleen, I'm surprised! This is the very activity I made extreme attempts to avoid at high school bonding camps.
And Ian, you should be kinder to your brother.
Kitty! I am surprised too! And I too spent all of my high school years avoiding such activities, I had heaps of "migraines". And I was surprised at how exhilarating it was. Parts of it were quite scary too and I don't think I'll be doing it again, but exhilarating all the same!
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