New U.S. stealth fighter kicks Chuck Norris' Ass
Man the new F22-A Raptor is supposed to be one awesome fighter. That's why I'm buying a few at the low low price of around $160 Million. Surely these days any idiot can fly one of these suckers. You just jump in and start pushing the buttons until all your enemies are dead. The new plane can supposedly take on 5 or 6 F-15s at a time and still make you a baloney sandwich with extra fries for lunch. So beware Chuck Norris the F22-A Raptor will soon be along and all the round houses in the world won't save you.

No fighter can take on 6 other fighters. It is a complete impossibility, unless the 6 happen to be unmanned and on the ground and it just comes along and drops a bomb on them. Otherwise, pish posh. Simply cannot be done with any earthly technology. If there was some kind of alien anti grav system where you could have instant acceleration and stopping with no momentum, then maybe.
This blog isn't about reality, well not reality as we know it. Of course the fighter can take on 5 other planes, in fact I believe it can take on 25 other planes and still make it home in time for the simpsons. Viva los Anish
Considering anonymous' clearly superior knowledge of aerial combat, and his use of USAF aproved terms such as 'pish posh' I think that the ability to engage beyond visual range, and supercruise would be meaningless against aircraft that had no such abilities. Electronics and radar, from the 1950's era F-15 to 2000 or so F-22 have undergone no real improvements. So 'pish posh' indeed. moron
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