Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Futurama Rises from the Dead

Aaaah Futurama, a few years ago it was canned, supposedly due to lack of support. I don't know anything about when it was on in the US, but over here in Aus in was on at like 11pm on Tuesday nights or something stupid. Clearly not the best time to be attracting an audience, although late night comedies seem to be something of a tradition for the el crappo Seven network. Scrubs is another example of an excellent show that they ruined by only showing it late at night and not in any form of sequence or with a regular timeslot. But rumours are abounding that Futurama may be relaunched! Now this would be a turn up for the books because in my humble opinion after watching all the dvds that the show was only really getting going around the 4th and final season. So this relaunch would enable us to re-enjoy a show and hopefully reattract an audience that will give it a Simpsons like run.


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