Friday, December 21, 2007

Whaa, Christmas Lights

Yep, Perth, the most isolated place on earth and home to nothing but a few little lighting stores that enable people to create stupendous lighting displays like this little sucker. I dunno how much power it consumes but my guess is that there is a $40,000 electricity bill coming their way fairly soon. Oh yeah, you need sound for this too so don't watch it on your 386 with inbuilt pc speaker mmm,k?

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Thursday, December 13, 2007


We're back with all the news that other blogs have already talked about first. In this case its reviews, and some fine entertaining reviews on some exciting products.

Stuck for ideas for christmas? Well try the bic black crystal pen at only 13p each they are a real bargain. Be aware though one review has this pen listed as the devil's own. So read at your own risk.

The second item up for christmas presents is some fine Tuscan milk, as smooth as the day is long although its not recommended for use as a roofing agent.
