Friday, April 28, 2006

Tattoos made of 'disappearing' ink

Supposedly tattoos are like permanent or something. I knew I never should have got Fox Mulder tattooed on my butt but I guess you live and learn. Well now, tattoos are no longer permanent! Instead of using harsh, harsh chemcials now they use friendly chemical dyes that are encapsulated in some kind of capsule. Pretty cool, and to remove the so called 'tattoo' you just get some friendly laser fire. What could be simplier. So go on people and get that "D'Oh" tattooed on your forehead that you always wanted.

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Tank Chair

This so called tank chair is designed in a rough and ready fashion such that it will go anywhere and run over any normal wheelchair. On a sort of related note I dunno if you've all seen that movie, Murderball, about these wheelchair rugby guys that smash and crash each other, well I reckon some form of tank chair would be pretty useful. It wouldn't be super manoeuvrable but it probably would walk right through the opposition. Getting one of these would be pretty fun just think of how lazy you could be, plus I'm sure they have many benefits for disabled people too.

Thanks Mike!

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Police hunt killer chimps

The title of this article says it all really. I always knew my killer chimps would get out of hand and someone would discover their secret lair in Seirra Leone. Still until I get those remote control cockroaches worked out the loss of a few chimps can be handled.

Da Vinci Code Game

The Da Vinci Code is probably the most overhyped booked in the history of the universe. The characters seem to get stupidier and stupidier as the book goes on. For some reason though, the book is the most popular thing since sliced bread and now there is to be a movie, coming out soon of the book. Well in addition to the movie there is also and online game suspiciously entitled the Da Vinci Code Quest. It involves solving a bunch of puzzles (one per day) and then answering questions that you can find the answer to on the internets. Kind of fun if you've got a bit of time to spare.

Monday, April 24, 2006

Mashup - Snakes on United 93

I'm sure you've all heard of snakes on a plane, the movie that has become the butt of many many internet jokes. And, you've probably also heard of United 93, one of the flights that was crashed on September 11 and also a new feature film that has been distressing US viewers. Well now an excellent mashup entitled Snakes on United 93 has been revealed to the world and is expected to revolutionise the mooofie industry. Gold, pure gold!

Chernobyl Pictures

It is now 20 years since the terrible accident at Chernobyl and the effects of the disaster will be felt for thousands of years. These pictures from Chernobyl show exactly why nuclear power is maybe not such a good idea. Remember there are thousands of hectares of affected land and millions of people have died or suffered from the accident in the mid 80s. All kinds of cancer and deformations are way more predominant in the affected area and the land will probably require monitoring for thousands of years. So, just some sobering pictures to enjoy on your Monday!

Harvester demo derby

Combine harvesters are not machines that generally are promoted as having athletic prowess. They are big, slow and functional for harvesting. Well all that changes with the harvester demo derby in this wacky event proponents enter their favourite harvester and try to trash each other. There is also a video of the derby available here which is mildly amusing particularly the fine southern accents and some fine crashing action. I'm going to have to get me one of these old combines and enter in next years event!

Bat Car

Although this isn't the bat mobile it looks kind of close. That whole cool rear end with multiple wings just make we want to take the Antas for a spin through the countryside. Supposedly you can get up to a max of 270 kmh and hit 100 kmh in under 5 seconds. Plus the thing is damned stylish. A lot better than most of those other super cars out there that suffer from the extreme ugliness disease.

Friday, April 21, 2006

Shock Knife

This so called Shock Knife can't even cut you. Although I reckon you could force it through your skin if you really wanted to. The knife is designed to shock your opponent and temporarily incapicitate them, sort of like a tazer but without the 'bull-dropping' power. As an added feature the amount of shock you can dish out is adjustable and as a safety feature the knife includes a protective hilt. Whoaaa, better be careful with this sucker. If you turn the setting right down you can supposedly use it as a training weapon and will give you only a mild shock to work on your technique. Sounds pretty nifty so I'm ordering in 80 for my monkeys, we'll see how many of them can kill each other in some kind of cage match, awesome.

Violence-related injury and the Price of Beer in England and Wales

The title for this study, "Violence-related injury and the Price of Beer in England and Wales", has to be one of the more interesting I've seen for a while. Download the study and have a good read because it basically states that if beer was more expensive then the cost for trauma services, policing etc would go way down. Injuries would be substantially reduced and this study proves that expensive beer is better for you. NooooooooooooO! Is all I can say. If any of those fat cats in parliament read this then we'll be doomed, doomed I say!

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Earth from Above

I know it sounds like death from above, but it isn't ok. There is no death to be found in any of these pictures. Instead what you see is pictures of the earth from above. Simple concept, eh? Well simple things amuse simple minds so that's why I posted this site. It amused me, and all of you are way more simple so it must amuse you all heaps more. I guess I shouldn't go around insulting my reading audience too much but there's no finer way to start an extremely long weekend than with a little good natured abuse.

Look at this great barrier reef, isn't it soothing.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Giant centipede eating mouse

If you are a little squeamish or don't like to see small animals harmed then this is definitely not the video for you. If on the other hand you don't really care and just want to see something gross then this video of a giant centipede eating a mouse is just for you. The giant centipede appears to be about 25cm long and doesn't have any difficulty grabbing that mouse. Look, I'm not promoting this kind of thing so don't complain to me about the content it really is just a pretty gross thing and if you don't like that kind of stuff don't open the link.

Monday, April 10, 2006

Self parking cars are here

OK, if you are a parking incompetent and struggle to know where the gutter is in relation to your 400 tonne monster truck then these Self-Parking Cars are the way of the future. I mean it can't be that long until the car is completely automated and just drives you where you want to go. Personally I think car technology is on the way out and soon we will all be travelling in tubes wherever we go. Now get cracking on the tube technology fools instead of googling yourself!

Saturday, April 08, 2006

George W bubbles?

I'm not quite sure why someone made this but George W falling through bubbles is quite amusing and a damned site better than a poke in the eye with a burnt stick. If he gets stuck just grab him and push him around to where you want him to go. He also appears to be wearing a pearl necklace for some reason but hey, whatever.

Thanks Rouna

Friday, April 07, 2006

Water-gun fights

Water gun fights are cool, both literally and metaphorically. So why not turn LA into an awesome water gun fight. So you get a target and you have to go and kill them and then take on their target until there are no more targets. The game has recently been run in LA and you can find out all the nifty details by reading this so called 'website'. I wish I was in a water gun fight right at this moment because it'd be a lot more fun than sitting here slowly filling my nostrils with pretzels.

Singing Heroes

Rumour has it that singstar comps will be soon heading to a club near you, nominally the mawson club which may or may not be anywhere near where you live. Still those Singstar heroes out there will be well advised to keep their minds and voices ready for the ultimate game experience. I don't think it will compare to the house of phat beats as there will be too many weirdos around but it could still be a lot of fun.

DRM Stupidity

Digital Rights Management (DRM) is the bane of the world as we know it. Its the thing that means that you can't backup some of the cds you own, its the stuff that tries to prevent you from saving your DVDs to your harddrive and it also is completely impracticle to manage because everyt time a new flavour of DRM comes out, L337 H@x0rs crack the security in about 10 seconds flat. Well now to make a dumb idea even dumber comes the plan to release movies over the net. No, this isn't a new plan but instead of the movies been cheaper than DVDs they will cost twice as much and be crippled by DRM. This is the worst idea in the history of bad ideas, these movie companies could make millions by just producing a reliable product at a reasonable price. I know I'd download more movies legit if they came with a guarantee of quality and were reasonably priced. But instead they just screw the consumer by charging more for a product that may not even play on all machines. So screw you record and movie companies, your every move only prompts me to download more stuff illegally.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006


After the disappointment of not getting tickets to this year's world cup I have been furiously entering as many competitions as possible to win free holidays there. For those that want to also enter mastercard is running a comp where each purchase you make enters you into the draw. Qantas are also running a comp where you have to buy flights and then register to win! I know i've spent at least $4 million on flights that could have been spent on actual tickets to the world cup but I want to win the damned prize. If you know of any more comps then let me know!

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Stupidity Kills

Well in this case stupidity didn't quite kill but it can't have been too far away after this fun gang of criminals initially tried to make off with a Koala. The Koala scratched them to shit so the decided to move onto a freshwater croc. Now these geniuses should be up for a Darwin award the only shame is that they weren't killed. So get reading here punks and find out how far that crack addiction will take you. The stolen croc was recovered by the looks of it and the peeps will likely get some form of punishment.

Plane Car?

I know everyone wants a plane car, I mean why wouldn't you convert a jet into a car, it just makes so much sense. Cars can go many more places and cost far less to run. You don't have to land at no fancy pants airport and you can register them relatively cheaply. It all makes sense now, so that's why this Jetmousine is being produced. Basically its a limo that was once a jet, so buy me a couple, fill it up with tequila and lets head for mexico!

The Top April Fool's Day Hoaxes

Yeah so I missed April fools day here in Oz, these things happen. But when this post goes to air it will still be April 1 in most of the rest of the world. So without further ado I present the Top 100 April Fool's Day Hoaxes Of All Time. These are quite amusing and for some of them I just can't believe that people fell for them. I guess it goes to show that most of the population is incredibly dumb.

Via J-Walk Blog