Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Real life Simpsons

Aaaah the Simpsons. If there has ever been a finer way to kill a few weeks than watching every single episode of the Simpsons in order then I've never heard about it. Well way back at the dawn of time (1997) the internet was a strange and scary place and someone decided to give out a prize of a real life Simpsons house. This website documents that fine achievement and the house itself in a series of pictures and articles. Its not actually that exciting but the house does look pretty cool.

Saddam Comedy Gold

With the lack of GW Comedy over the last few weeks something had to rise from the ashes and take its place. Enter Saddam "The Painting". Take one real courtroom, with real photos of Saddam and the whole gang. Take one bodgy painting used in the trial somehow and you have the makings of comedy gold. Its sort of in the vein of Phriday Kaption Madness for those involved, but it actually tells a story rather than just insulting famous people. There is also an original version which showcases Saddam's skill at Rock, Scissor, Paper and is perhaps even more amusing.

Monday, February 27, 2006

Google Fight

Them's fighting words! Basically you enter a couple of words and they fight it out for supremacy based upon the number of google results. Its pretty lame and the animation is always the same but it is interesting to note that My Girlfriend kicks Pamela Anderson out the door. But I guess Pamela is weighed down a bit. As an added bonus in the keyword1 v keyword2 battle keyword1 seems to clearly take the victory.

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Funny Videos eh?

Yeah well I was kind of annoyed at the internet today. Nothing particularly exciting jumped out at me and most of my favourite sites were filled with lame ass discussion about how quickly grass grows. So instead I present to you this collection of funny videos. There are plenty of good beer, car, cola and other ads out there and this site makes some attempt to collect the more amusing and stupid ones. I especially like this ad for Carling, a pretty reasonable beer. So if you've got a few spare hours and a broadband connection than get to it.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Beer Fridge

Finally, a product for the man who has everything. For a long time I've been wanting one of those fridges with the cool ice dispensers in the front, just to make it easier to stir up a few martinis. Well now I don't need one anymore, and thanks to the Home Pub I can have my beer and drink it too. I can see this kind of thing becoming more and more popular all over the world as people struggle to find the perfect solution to their beer needs. Imagine at the end of a long day being able to pour a tall frosted one without the need for a bottle or even to open the fridge. Science has never come so far ladies and gentlemen because right here and right now I'm proclaiming this as the greatest invention of 2006. I know that its only February and that maybe someone will come up with a faster than the speed of light drive, but dammit this thing is just awesome.

James Bond's New Car

As with all James Bond moofies there is a lot of hype regarding the car. Well Bond's new Aston Martin DBS has gotta be filled with some of the coolest gadgets ever. Of course they don't actually reveal any useful information about the car, but they do give us some cool pics. Plus the rest of the site is worth a look because it has heaps of information about Casino Royale, the new bond film, as well as all kinds of news and history about Bond in general.

Go Bond Go

Psychic David Schwimmer

Yes David Schwimmer, that lame ass friend, is actually a psyhcic. He can predict your future and warn you of upcoming evils and keep you safe from the ever advancing army of the undead. Actually this psychic David Schwimmer site is pretty lame and I dunno why I'm posting it. I think its just the lure of the Schwimmer, he is so bland that no one could ever possibly believe that he is psychic.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Space Ports for all

Hah, I proved you all wrong, see I did actually blog about something before. Specifically I blogged about Space Adventures, that cool company that is planning on letting people go into space for only the cost of your first born son. Well now they are building Space Ports in Singapore and the UAE. These ports will just be like airports, except the food will be more expensive and the waiting lines to board your flight will stretch for eons. Plus as an added bonus, full body searches will come as standard on all orbital space voyages. Sounds like a pretty good deal to me, thats why I purchased 23 flights in their special buy 18 get 5 free deal available only for the next two seconds.

Monday, February 20, 2006

Chernobyl Ride

I swear, I'd written about this before. Somewhere in the depths of history is a post about this crazy Chernobyl Ride. Maybe the blogger corporation decided to delete my post, maybe it was all in my imagination and in fact it was just an email conversation I had with someone. Maybe I underwent a mind meld and am having other people's memories again. Maybe I forgot to blog about it because of the 18 cases of tequila I'd just drunk or maybe I just sux0r the most.

It doesn't really matter anyway I guess, but for those who haven't seen the site I recommend reading all about this one lady's crazy rides into the heart of glowing Chernobyl. Supposedly the trees still glow at night! Oooooh scary. I also remember reading something about this Chernobyl ride being a hoax and not as real as it all seems, but I'll leave that up to your curious minds.

Thanks Mike for reminding me.

Why boonie is better than Chuck Norris

Thanks Patrick for this high quality list of reasons that Boonie is better than Chuck Norris! Boonie is way cooler than Chuck Norris and anyone wielding a piece of willow will clearly beat the crap out of a roundhousing fool. Anyway here we go.

Boonie's tears don't cure cancer, but they do cure a hard earned thirst as
they are 4.9% alcohol.

Boonie doesn't shave; his beard is too scared of his mo. The only thing
that isn't scared of Boonie's mo is Boonie, and possibly Merv.

When Boonie was born, he never cried. He just rearranged his box, then got
on with the business of growing his mo.

Boonie sold his soul to the devil for his mo and unparalleled batting
ability. "Fielding at Short Leg" ability was his own doing. Shortly after
the transaction was finalized, Boonie swung his mighty Gray Nicholls into
the devils face and took back his soul. The devil, who appreciates irony,
couldn't stay mad and admitted he should have seen it coming. They now
play back yard cricket every second Wednesday of the month, even in the

Boonie does not sleep. He waits. For your shout.

Boonie once cover drove someone so hard that his Gray Nicholls broke the
speed of light, went back in time, and smashed Charles Kingsford Smith
while he was flying over the Tasman.

Boonie built a time machine and went back in time to stop Harold Holt
going for a swim. As a shark came near him, Boonie's mo strangled the
shark. Holt died of amazement and floated out to sea. Boonie then drank
all the beer Holt had left on the beach.

Boonie does not drink like a horse, horses drink like Boonie

To prove it isn't that big of a deal to beat cancer. Chuck Norris smoked
15 cartons of cigarettes a day for 2 years and acquired 7 different kinds
of cancer only to rid them from his body by flexing for 30 minutes. Then
he found out about Boonie drinking 52 cans of Full Strength beer on a
flight between London and Sydney, and Chuck Norris' cancer came back, but
this time it had a bigger mo.

The chief export of Boonie comes in keg form.

Boonie is currently suing Slim Dusty's estate, claiming "The Pub With No
Beer" is something that just shouldn't be joked about.

Boonie won 'Jumanji' without ever saying the word. He simply smashed the
living daylights out of everything that was thrown at him to the fence
with his Gray Nicholls, and the game forfeited.

Boonie drank his first stubbie before his dad did.

Boonie was the fourth Wise Man. He brought baby Jesus the gift of "brew".
Unfortunately, the trip through the desert following that star was a long
one, and none of the 12 cartons of beer made it, hence why he was left out
of the bible.

If you can see Boonie, it is your shout. If you can't see Boonie you may
be only seconds away from a shout.

Boonie doesn't read books. He drinks in front of them until they pass out.
Then Boonie shakes their hand, rearranges his box and gets on with

When Boonie sends in his taxes, he sends blank forms and includes only a
picture of himself, crouched and ready at short leg. Boonie has never had
to pay taxes.

Boonie can make a woman climax by simply pointing at his mo.

Boonie once ate four 72 oz. steaks in one hour. He spent the first 45
minutes slaughtering and carving the cow with his Gray Nicholls.

Playing in England for the ashes, Boonie brought a stillborn lamb back to
life by giving it a prolonged mo rub. Shortly after the farm animal sprang
back to life and a crowd had gathered, Boonie out-drank the animal,
breaking its non-iron guts, to remind the crowd once more that Boonie
giveth, and the good Boonie taketh away.

When Boonie plays Oregon Trail his family does not die from cholera or
dysentery, but rather alcohol poisoning. He also requires no wagon, since
the family is carried on the drinks cart. He always makes it to Oregon
before you, then rearranges his box and gets on with business.

After little debate, Canberra has decided that we do indeed need to have
armed forces instead of Boonie. The reasoning? It is more "humane", and
Boonie sometimes likes to go home to Tasmania instead of touring.

Boonie once shot a British plane down with his finger, by yelling,

The original theme song to the Transformers was actually "Boonie-more than
meets the eye, Boonie-robot in disguise," and starred Boonie as a Test
Cricketer who defended the earth from drug-dealing Decepticons and could
transform himself into a keg. This was far too awesome for a single show,
however, so it was divided into the "Transformers" and the "Talking

One of the greatest cover-ups of the last century was the fact that Hitler
did not commit suicide in his bunker, but was in fact leg glanced to death
by Boonie.

Boonie recently had the idea to sell his urine as a canned beverage. We
know this beverage as Budweiser. Boonie won't drink it either.

There are no retired bowlers. Only bowlers who have met Boonie.

When Boonie's wife burned the snags one Boxing Day Test, Boonie never got
upset. He just got out his Gray Nicholls, and then belted the burnt off
all the snags. He got Man of the Match that day.

If you ask Boonie what time it is, he always says, "Two seconds till."
After you ask, "Two seconds to what?" he says, "Two seconds till your
shout". Then he rearranges his box, and gets on with business.

Friday, February 17, 2006

The Empire Brokeback

Who knew?? R2-D2 and C3PO together in a moment of passion. Brokeback mountain has nothing on this fine love story between two droids who didn't know when to quit or how to express their feelings. Star Wars: The Empire Brokeback is a somewhat amusing little video that ideally should be watched on a lazy friday afternoon, with a bowl of popcorn and a collection of plush chewbacca dolls for company.

Via Milk and Cookies

Rats dig music with ecstasy

I dunno why they are wasting all that high quality E on rats, but it turns out that rats who are exposed to loud pulsating phat beats have much longer lasting effects from Es than rats who were tripping on saline. I'm not quite sure what to make of this research, the articles headlines proclaims this as 'worsens the effects of taking ecstasy', bu tI'm not 100% convinced. Maybe if you were taking E and listening to loud music you might actually want your E to last longer. Still all this talk of partying rats has made me wish for some party action right about now.

Look at this little rat, clearly he's had wayyyyyy too much E!

Chipped People

As we edge closer and closer to the 'big brother' society we all know and want comes news of fresh people chipping in the US. Sure the practice has been going on in Mexico for years, but as usual the US is way more important (or so they believe) than the rest of the world and this spells the end for freedom and liberty*. You know what, I'd put money on the fact that the US has been chipping people for years, either in Guantamano Bay or even in the general prison system, and just has never released this information to the general populace. In fact chipping people has probably become so common that my very thoughts are being read by aliens right at this moment. Hang on, back up a sec, maybe it hasn't gone that far. But what is happening is voluntary chipping of people who agreed to it. So think of it what you will, I'd take a chip that meant I never had to carry any money around but most people are pretty scared of this kind of thing.

*Freedom and Liberty - I use these terms correctly unlike the terms used by the US government to explain to their populace why they lock up people for no apparent reason. These US terms bear no relevance to the real world definitions of freedom or Liberty.

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Dick Cheney Quail Hunt

For some reason this game of Cheney Hunting Quails is much harder than it looks. Everytime you take a shot at a quail for some reason you seem to hit a person... What could have prompted such a strange and difficult game?? Maybe if I keep playing I'll eventually get one of these damned quail things. Supposedly Cheney actually shot like 80 quail on this particular hunting trip and if its like his previous trips most of those birds will just be cage raised and released solely for the purposes of killing. Interesting eh?

Things from the day you were born

There are a few interesting little things out on the internets that enable you to find out what was happening around the world on the day you were born. Thanks Ingi for the UK music #1 thingee that will tell you what Clash song was rocketing up the charts on the day you were born.
This Time Cover Search can display what Time magazine thought about the world on the day you were born. My cover seems to be as relavent today as it was way back when! Damn energy crisis, I keep telling them until we harvest old people for their nutrients there is no way out.
This History thingee lets you see what other cool events may have occured on your birthday throughout history. There are also a bunch of other sites that let you print up a newspaper from the day you were born but I can't do all your websearching for you.

Look at him go, I could carry a car!

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Its raining beer

In response to the Carlton Draught big ad, comes this giant ad from Tooheys New. For those that aren't aware 'New' is one particularly filthy generic beer that sells heaps in Australia. In this ad they attempt to make it rain beer by basically launching a whole bunch of ingredients into the sky above Melbourne. This then causes the rain of beer that I've been dreaming of for years. Personally I think this ad has nothing on the Big Ad which was just plain awesome.

As an aside today is of course Valentine's day, and remember the Hoff will always love you.

The Hoff will always love you

Monday, February 13, 2006

Monk e-Mail

Aaaah monkeys, ist here anything they can't do. Well now you can get them to talk and provide amusing comments to any situation. Just head on over to Monk e-Mail and fill in all the details and your monkey can be sent on his merry way. Its a pretty cool little application and a hell of a lot more amusing way to send anonymous messages then some fake hotmail account. I especially like the classy british accent (Simon) and the text to voice thingee works pretty well.

Via the Presurfer

Combat for Christ

Heh, I guess that in response to the number of islamic militants there was always going to be an organisation like Combat for Christ. Basically they train your young child in the tools he will need to fight for Christ! Imagine that, soon your youngster will be able to slay heathens with the greatest of ease. Taking their pistol, broadsword or bible in hand, they will be trained in the arts of eliminating the enemy with extreme prejudice. Seriously though, these people sicken me. Like there is a reason to train people in arms for this type of fight. Religion should be seriously trying to prevent this type of stuff from going on rather than foolishly encouraging it.

I mean look at this little guy, its just sad.

Kids with guns, thats bad mmmm kay

Via J-Walk Blog

Free semi-frozen hamburgers!

My quest to feed a small collection of monkeys on a dutch island with nothing but frozen hamburgers has been made a lot easier by this shipping accident. Some containers washed overboard (read: drunken captain) and happened to wash ashore on my favourite little island. Now I have all the axe handles, sneakers and frozen hamburgers I could ever use. This whole situation could have been alleviated if instead of using ships they used that revolutionary matter translocator I've developed.

Friday, February 10, 2006

Discworld on TV

Aaaaaalllrighty then. The Discworld collection of novels is one of the best comedy, action, adventure, fantasy worlds ever created. A shiteload of characters have graced the pages of a shiteload of novels and now after 23 years of books Discworld is heading to TV. This could be the single greatest thing since the wonder years was taken off the air but it could also be mighty crappy. Personally I think its going to be cool, its a british production to it keeps those crappy americans out of it and it is long enough to be cool (2 x 2 hour episodes). So fire up those VCRs in the UK and send me a copy because I know it will take 18 years to make it to Australia.

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Full Body Massage

This video of a full body massage by a redhead is excellent. Be careful where you watch it though. No, seriously it is safe for work but barely. The black guy in the video is huge and at least twice the size of the redhead! Comedy gold!

Mexico by Night

Every other blog in the whole world is blogging these photos so why can't I?!! Eh, you want to fight about it, well step outside and smell the roses because you can't handle the truth. Now I've got that mismash of random quotes out of my system I'll continue with the blogging. No, there is nothing too exciting about these photos, they all claim to be real photos taken from a chopper above Mexico City but some of them definitely look fake. I'll let you all decide for yourselves and I'll head back to this bottle of malt liquor I've got stashed under my desk.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Ricky Gervais and Wil Anderson unplugged?

These have supposedly grown to become the #1 podcast in the world, as measured by the complete internet statistics compiled every night by a team of small monkeys working furiously on an Apple IIe. Those same monkeys have rated this blog as the single greatest achievement in the history of the universe so I'm not sure how accurate the stats are. Well anyway, Ricky Gervais is the funny guy from the original office (so much better than the lame US version) and him and some hired goons got together and made an internet show. The show, called surprise surprise Ricky Gervais podcast is quite amusing. So get downloading and listen to something to increase your brain power instead of those Kelly Clarkson cds over and over again.

On a semi-related note I went and saw Wil Anderson last night for a random comedy jaunt as preparation for his new show. It was funny and he managed to keep us laughing for a couple of hours in a planned one hour timeslot. Personally I enjoyed his random stylings more than his planned material and as this show was a mix of both it was damned funny. The only shame is that he didn't make any promises about a return to radio, although I wish he would as Adam Spencer and him were way funnier than the lame J and the Doctor.

Monday, February 06, 2006

Extreme Ironing

I swear I've blogged about this before, well at least had a look at the website before. Well maybe I was drunk and forgot about it after another 18 shots of tequila. But whatever, you know. Now here it is, Extreme Ironing in all its glory. Take your ironing board anywhere, make sure to take some shirts with you and iron away. Actually I hate this whole idea, its lame and pointless. Who the hell wants to iron somewhere stupid. I mean what is the point people, can't you just take your loser lives and go and jump off a bridge or something? If all you've got to fill your days with is extreme ironing then get stuffed and go and find a girlfriend, the internet or a dog to keep you occupied. Each would be more healthy then carrying a freaking ironing board and iron to the top of some crappy mountain.

Thanks Mike!

Motorbike/Car Mix

Everyone loves motorbikes, they provide excellent speed, performance and neck injuries without the need for a seatbelt or any other fancy life saving devices. Well imagine if for just one second that motorbike could in some way be made into a vehicle with four wheels and a seat. It could be known as an auto-quad-bike or some other catchy name. Plus you could release some lame ass videos on your website, showing you driving around at slow speed in a parking lot. Think of how many sales you'd get, millions, maybe even billions. Well maybe not but it looks like this bike car could do with some more work and maybe one day you'd be able to complete an 80 point turn to get into a parking space.

Friday, February 03, 2006

Star Bunnies

Bunnies are cute and funny and make an excellent addition to any meal. I personally recommend a bunny stew with fresh spring vegetables and a garlic mash on the side. But enough about delicious, tasty, scrumptious bunnies and more about their comedy stylings. In this episode the evil bunnies are up against the good Harrison Ford style bunnies in Star Bunnies. These amazingly versatile actors can portray almost any role and you won't be able to tell the difference between this and the real Star Wars. Plus as an added bonus they have also reenacted a whole bunch of other movies for your viewing pleasure. So go and eat some bunnies, I mean, go and watch these mildly amusing cartoons.

Rescue Bot

Hyper Rescue Robot T-52 (if there is a more Japanese name I've never seen it) will save you from all kinds of disaster and then gently allow you to rest in its large pillow like arms. Basically this humanoid robot is designed to rescue people trapped in snow, under mudslides and anywhere where it might not be safe for a normal human rescue team to go. Personally I just want a hug in T-52's large metallic arms and cuddly looking face. I mean look at that guy, he just wants some lovin' too.

Cute little feller, eh?

Bush Talks!

No seriously, for a long time I thought that GW was just a puppet with Cheney working him from behind. Well its not true, Cheney isn't working him from behind he instead can actually talk and move on his own. I know many people would claim that this isn't the case but these Bush dolls prove that GW can in fact function on battery power alone. Go on order a few and you could soon have your own state of the union address. With 25 authentic phrases the GW doll speaks with a whole lot more variety than the real one and is probably more alive looking.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Automatic Translations Bite

Everyone knows that automatic translation machines are a thing of ridicule. You should only attempt to use them to provide really bad insults in other languages over the web. Well this little web app proves how bad the online translations really can be. It takes whatever phrase you input and then runs in through five common languages (using babelfish's translator) before returning it to English. The phrase that comes out at the end is usually complete crap and makes no sense at all. So if you've got a few spare minutes try running your favourite phrase through.

As an example I took the common phrase "My purple goat suffers from an anxiety disorder" and it came up with "The goat-high-red mine suffers of a dispersion of the interest"

Thanks Ingi!

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Conventional Physics is Wrong

When will conventional physics learn that the internet is always right. That there is always some guy out there willing to disprove the entire conservation of energy theorems with a simple energy making machine. In this case the N-Machine produces free energy from the air around it. Of course the traditional energy consortiums don't want a bar of it and have blatantly refused to believe that something could possible produce more energy than goes into it. Well I for one am willing to believe this guy, I mean what harm would it be to give the guy some serious money to conduct some serious research. If it doesn't work out, then oh well, all we've lost is some cash. If it does work then we'll have free energy for all and mankind can retire and sit on the couch eating chips and watching football.

Roll-on the high life

With a headline as corny as that one anyone would think that I was writing for some really dodgy newspaper like the New York Times or something. But nooooo, instead I'm stuck here with you weiners on this blog with nothing to talk about but the national joint rolling comp. High fives were had all round, large blunt rolls over competition, all these lame ass headlines could have been used somewhere meaningful instead of wasted on an audience that struggles to work out that England is in the Uk. So don't blame me for the poor quality of links that've been on this blog recently. Blame Paris, and the three stooges I had before writing this article.