Thursday, July 29, 2004

Bionic Dolphins??

Just what everybody needs, Bionic Dolphins to keep all of us amused. They can be used for a variety of recreational applications as well as military and just plain foolishness, like pretending to be a shark. The only problem is that you have to mount your own laser for maximum combat effectiveness. Still I'll think I'll order in about 20.

Transportation Futuristics : A Presentation of the Harmer E. Davis Transportation Library

This is an interesting look at futuristic designs from a huge number of places. The site does go into a lot of oddities as well as standard devices like helicopters and monorails. I like the flying saucer bus in the oddities section. Looks like an easy way to escape the boredom of normal crappy bus transport.  This car is especially cool, designed to run on both rail and roads.  Count me in.

Via Boing Boing

Tuesday, July 27, 2004

Amazing Biped Dog FAITH

Now this is an Amazing Biped Dog. Although looking somewhat crazy and insane the dog provides many benefits such as walking like a human and being able to sniff out drugs while hopping around like an idiot.

Thursday, July 22, 2004

Digital SLR vs. Film Scans

For those interested in the merits of digital v film technology. Here is a long and in depth discussion on the merits of both. Its conclusion if you are really bored is that digital cameras are now overtaking film as the best way to create digital images. Welll duh, but only top scale digital cameras are better than film and scanning it in.

Tuesday, July 20, 2004

How to conduct an Autopsy

I always wanted a do it yourself autopsy book and now I've found one. Well kind of, it provides background information on the legalities of autopsys and the best way to do them. Plus it comes with really bad pictures.

AWOL Alcohol Without Liquid Machine

I remember reading about this machine a while back. Instead of drinking your alcohol you just inhale it in an oxygen mix. This means you get no carbs but all the fun. It looks kind of dodgy but you can order your own if you are really interested, $3000 though. Goddam I could just buy a lot of spirits for that and who cares about the hangover.

Monday, July 19, 2004

Ice photographs

Damn cool photographs, some guy makes ice in everyday objects and then comes along and takes photos of the ice that is formed. There is some really interesting photos in here.

81% kill rate

Go Denver, the cops in Denver have had a kill rate of above 80% for the last 4 years. They must be spending a lot of time practising head shots. I thought it was police policy to only shoot to injure but maybe I've had it wrong all this time.

Friday, July 16, 2004

Texas Reptiles - FREAKS

A collection of the strange and wonderful animal freaks, including the beloved 2 headed tortoise, two headed snakes and the like. Its a bit weird for those who are a bit squeamish but hey thats what the internet is about.
Via J-Walk Blog

The beckham soccer ball he missed the penalty with at Euro 2004

Here it is people, the soccer ball that beckham missed the penalty in the quarter final of Euro 2004. It is in mint condition and can be yours for around 25000 euros. Bargain I say. If I was a millionaire I'd buy it and then follow Beckham around with the ball laughing at him.

Thursday, July 15, 2004

Fabulous Facial Hair

Having been to the world beard championships site quite a few times I'm always interested in more beard related links, here the bbc has put together a nice set of links for you to gawk at. I've gotta go join the Handlebar club though. Looks like an excellent club with many fine upstanding gentlemen.

Boards `to deter sharks

You know, like sharks with freakin lasers on their heads or something. Well no actually its all kind of backwards. I mean seriously they put some kind of transmitter on the board and it drives the sharks away. I for one welcome our shark overlords and will never install such an obviously pov device.

Wednesday, July 14, 2004

Go Norway, more outdoor sex!

Just when you thought it was safe to travel through scandinavia, the horrible epidemic of outdoor shagging is getting worse. Must be all that warm summer air making everybody frisky.

Tuesday, July 13, 2004

Better BEER!!

Sick of that old crappy beer that is just too cloudy, want something fresh and clean and as smooth as the barrel of a rifle. Well here it is. Special filters that are made using dodgy bendy holdy technology mean that your beer will soon be as crisp and clean as you could want it. MMMmmmmmmm beer, I sure could go for one right about now. In fact I'm off to Moe's, catch you later punks.

Swat Hand Signals

Ever wanted to know whether the SWAT team was about to bust into your hiding hole and remove your head, well here is a look at the commonly used hand-signals. Now I dunno about you, but these hand signals may not be entirely accurate.

Monday, July 12, 2004 - News - Cameras Catch Car Thieves On Tape

I dunno about this, it sounds like entrapment to me. The cops get a bunch of cars parked with the keys in them. Then they nab the car thieves using GPS tracking. When the cops are nearby the cars start playing the theme music from cops to make sure the carjackers know they've been busted. Seems kinda dodgy to me, but who am I to judge.

Friday, July 09, 2004

Gran Turismo 4 Preview

So the next installment of the greatest game in history is but a few short months away. Look here for some mighty fine screen shots that will soon be on a PS2 near you. I can't wait there hasn't been a kick ass game I really wanted for a long time now.

The site seems to have random problems, but persevere people.

Thursday, July 08, 2004

Product Categories - iRiver International

I really want to get one of these, besides the ability to play mp3s and pretty much every other music type under the sun it can also be used as a host for USB devices. What this means is that cameras and so forth can be hooked straight up to it without the need for a pc. This would be great for a long trip overseas where the hard-drive could be used to stash all those holiday shots. The official site has all the information you need. Also comes in 40gb style.

Wednesday, July 07, 2004

The Most Complete and Most Useless Collection of Pick-Up Lines

That's a lot of pickup lines. From the mundane to the most amusing pick up lines are usually entertaining in some way.

Including such gold as.."At the office copy machine "Reproducing eh?" "Can I help?""

and "Do you have a mirror in your pocket? (Why?) 'Cause I could see myself in your pants"

Via J-Walk Blog

Tuesday, July 06, 2004

Iraq - Gold plated AK47

The weapon of choice is of course a gold plated ak-47. Great in the battle zone and you can take it out at night and still look your best.

Monday, July 05, 2004

MSNBC - Playing porn in car earns man jail time

Gold absolute gold. This fool was caught showing some action in his mercedes. Damn straight, kiddies might have seen it.

Sony's First Walkman-Branded Hard Disk Player, NW-HD1

So sony are finally getting in on the hard disk drive portable music machines. I'm all for these suckers as they seem like the perfect way to carry a bukcet load of music around with you. I never liked the iPod because it was made by crappy apple so maybe these will give me the solution I want. Sony's First Walkman-Branded Hard Disk Player

Friday, July 02, 2004

COLER CONVERTER, flying-saucer, blueprints, free-energy, Overunity.

Perpetual motion machines, magical generators that produce power for ever. Plus it was all in the Nazi's hands before WWII. I dunno sounds pretty dubious to me. Maybe I'll whip up some of these blueprints in the lab. Right after I cure cancer and AIDS and fine out exactly which olsen twin is hotter.