Thursday, September 30, 2004

Texas!!! Texas style everthing

Texas, you like chilli and you like texas and big cars and texas and everything you could possibly know about Texas, did you hear me Texas! I especially like this from when you know you are 100% Texan.

You have had this conversation:

"You wanna Coke?"
"What kind?"
"Dr. Pepper."

Genius, I say, pure genius. Anyway get all your Texas related links here.


After Hydrogen Comes Electric

Remember the hydrogen car from the other day. Well now obscure french manufacturer has come up with an electric powered sports death machine. The thing that really annoys me about these kinds of things is why can't they start making practical or useful electric or hydrogen cars instead of producing these half a million dollar monsters. Where is the love for the ordinary human beings eh?

'Tis Fully Sic - You know

Random updates of random crap!!! Come one, come all roll up for the toilet that offers everything you could ever want. Adjustable lumbar support and heaps of other things make this one pretty crapper. Although why you woulnd't just do your business and then move back to growing your large ass on the couch I don't know.

Free Phones

Everybody come to Japan and get a free phone. Well not really, if you are a tourist to the Kyoto region (which I'm probably going to be early next year) then you can borrow a cell-phone. This is supposed to give you information in English on tourist attractions and getting around and things. Seems like a pretty good idea to me.

Wednesday, September 29, 2004


This wacky fun remote control car type thing has an inbuilt camera and microphone that transmits a picture back to the controller. Although not quite as cool as when James Bond did it with a beemer this little sucker could provide hours of amusement. Well maybe not hours but at least a few minutes until the batteries died and you got sick of driving it around work to spy on what other employees were looking up on the web.

A Wingless 727 Limo

727 gets magical facelift and is reborn as a limo. They cut the wings off and turn it into a luxurious Limo for all that street cruising that a plane like this could do. Crazy mexicans and it only took 60 people three months to complete.

Real Escher

Escher has to be one of the coolest artists ever. His pictures are strange and unusual and somewhere in cyberspace someone has got a printer that makes wax models to make impressions of Escher's work. As I've seen before the pictures only work when viewed from one angle but they are still are pretty cool. I remember a site that was using lego to make escher's picture, see here if you haven't seen it before.

Die Wagenschenke - I don't know what it says but you are drunk!

Drinking games are all the rage these days, but how can you play a drinking game at work without getting fired. Well this wacky german site is the answer. You play a drunken fool and you must successfully navigate using your mouse. The man gradually gets more and more drunk and harder to control.

Tuesday, September 28, 2004

The whole world should vote in the US election?

So since America has such a huge impact on world politics what if the whole world could vote? Although the results are highly innaccurate because you can vote as many times as you want and bear no real meaning its still an interesting idea. If you are curious currently John Kerry has 86% of the vote. That would be a pretty crushing result if it really ended up that way.

Space Holidays with a Virgin

ooops I mean, space holidays with Virgin Galactic. Looks like a pretty interesting idea, although the cost is guaranteed to be pretty prohibitive. Maybe by the time i'm 50 and retired from my life as an oil baron I'll be able to foot the bill. It certainly would be a lot more fun than quick trip down to bateman's bay.

Monday, September 27, 2004

Calling all Mouse Masterminds

So you think that hours each day spent surfing the net has made you a mouse genius. Well, think again. Try this little sucker and you'll soon realise that a simple reversal of directions has made this ridiculously hard. There is an easy way to win... but I won't tell you what it is.

BMW Unveils World's Fastest Hydrogen-Powered Car

So you want the worlds fastest hydrogen car, and you don't want to build it in your backyard. Well BMW has come up with a 300kmh fun car. Looks like it could be pretty cool, although as they say hydrogen cars although not making pollution themselves do pollute through the hydrogen production process.

Friday, September 24, 2004

The World's Largest Sandwich

Since some people were complaining that they were still hungry after the previous sandwich, this is The World's Largest Sandwich. Well at least it was on the 24th april 2004. Maybe someone has made a bigger one, I bet someone has made a tastier one anyway. There is a hell of a lot of bread in this one, could be bad for that low carb diet. It weighs 3,178kg and I reckon I could polish it off in under 10 minutes.

Somebody got cranky

Well remember last week, that post about some guy that found a flash card and had made a blog about it (see here if you don't remember). Well now its gone, completely. Maybe cyberspace stole it, maybe the guy got cranky about all his pics being on the web and decided to stop it. Bastard, who wouldn't want their 15 mins of fame. Anyway now the wesbite is empty and all those magic comments have disappeared.

So you want a real sandwich

So I hear you think that you are a big man, and that you really wanna have a huge sandwich.. Well if you follow this fine recipe you'll have more than enough sandwich for any man. This guy was pretty soft though, he couldn't finish it in one sitting and had to come back the next morning.

Via J-Walk Blog

So you want bad headlines!

So looks like the maker's of Twinkies are running out of dough, thanks Newsday for that mildly amusing headline. I tried twinkies when in the US last year and I have to say that I was only mildly interesting. Basically get the most sugary dough you can, fill it with cream and more sugar and sell to consumers. If you are really interested in twinkies here is a more practical use for some twinkies than eating them. Try scientific experiments on them, mu hahahahahhahah. Maybe I should mention twinkies a few more times... Twinkies, Twinkies, Twinkies!

Thursday, September 23, 2004

Cities on the Moon

Supposedly both the Russians and the US had plans for giant cities on the moon. Well not actually cities more like military bases. The moon was supposed to be good because nuclear weapons would be a lot less effective due to the lack of atmosphere. This site has some of the wacky plans that those crazy russians were into.

Via BoingBoing

Wednesday, September 22, 2004

Space O2 Generator Fails Again

I knew we shouldn't have bought that dodgy russian O2 generator they pulled out of the back of that old lada. This is strangely reminiscent of that movie Apollo 13, where the astronauts end up running out of oxygen and eating each other or something. At least thats how I remember it. If you'd like to know more about the lack of oxygen at the international space station read here. Maybe my brain is suffering from lack of oxygen thats why this post makes no sense.


So you like German, da? And you like pong, da? Then this is some crazy ass mechanical pong game. I'm not sure how they do it because my german ain't so crash hot right now, but if you really wanna see then play, download the video. Freaky man. Maybe one day we'll be able to play a game where everything is actually real and not just electrons floating around in cyberspace. Hang-on I'm having flash-backs to a time when these things used to exist. Whoa man the whole world has gone crazy.

Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Top 100 albums you should now throw out.

In some ways I agree with this guy, who claims that most of these albums have been overplayed and ruined by their continual assault on our ears. In other ways there are some really classic albums in here and personally I like listening to quite a lot of them. Sure you don't want to put them on too regularly because you've heard them a million times but generally they are pretty good albums. The author really seesm to have a problem with U2 though.

Via J-Walk Blog

Monday, September 20, 2004

Bang & Olufsen - BeoCom 2

I dunno about you but I don't happen to have a spare AU$800 to throw around on a coredless phone. But then I'm not superman. I was at a party a few weeks ago where this phone was hanging around, and despite the fact that it gave people something to talk about for 5 minutes I couldn't possibly see the benefit over a standard cordless phone.

THUMP - Strange Noises in your eyes

So Oakley is the first major player to release a pair of Mp3 playing sunglasses. Currently they look pretty damn ugly, but I'm sure as minituarisation continues on its merry way there will soon be a whole bunch of these things out there. They could be kind of useful I suppose if you need to have music with you absolutely everywhere you go but without the hassle of carrying around an o-so-heavy discman or mp3 player. Damn sarcasm metre just keeps going up.

Wacky Sunnies

Race? for charity

No officer its not really a race, we just got a collection of a couple of hundred cars and sent them across europe on a trip supposedly to raise money for epilepsy. This is the site of one of the teams that entered and proves that all they wanted to do was drive 140mph across the spanish countryside. The cops got all cranky at this tomfoolery and decided to bust up the whole party by impounding all the cars. Jerks.

I Found Some Of Your Life

So some guy found a flash card in the back of some taxi and decided to make a blog about it. Its kind of humorous and more interesting than most of the self-love blogs that exist throughout bloggerdom. The guy writing the blog is a lot more funny than the pictures would appear at first.

Thursday, September 16, 2004

Astronomy Picture of the Day

I often visit the trusty old Astronomy Picture of the Day, it is often spectacular and usually interesting. Today's picture was certainly no exception. This is a picture of Ivan the Hurricane taken from space. Follow the link for the full pic.

Wednesday, September 15, 2004

Australian Election Study 2001 provides interesting reading

With the Australian Federal Election coming up soon I thought I'd read up a bit on what had happened at the last election and why the liberal party won etc. I stumbled across this study from the 2001 election where 4000 people were asked a variety of questions on a huge number of topics. At first glance it doesn't make hugely interesting reading but if you get down into the serious data it is informative and interesting. Haveing looked through a lot of the data I like question B22.

B.22. Regardless of how you feel about the parties, would you say that any of the individual party leaders in the last election represents your views reasonably well? If so, which party leader represents your views best? (Circle one number only.)

36.1% John Howard
22.7% Kim Beazley
2.2% John Anderson
7.2% Natasha Stott Despoja
6.0% Bob Brown
6.0% Pauline Hanson
.6% Other party leader
19.2% No party leader rep views well

Basically I think people didn't like Kim Beazley at the last election. All of the party stats come back pretty even so I think everyone thought that Kim was just crap.

Tuesday, September 14, 2004

Deadly Hurricanes

I was looking for some up to date pictures on hurricane Ivan which is barrelling down like a shotgun full of snow (well wind and rain) on cuba and southern USA. when I came upon this interesting article which talks about the deadliest, most expensive and generally killer storms that have effected the US in the last 100 years. Having never experienced a full scale hurricane I was curious, but this Ivan storm looks like a real killer. Its a category 5, the highest you can get and it looks pretty massive on the satellite photos found here.

Pentagon Plane Crash

There have been many conspiray theories floating around the net for a while about the pentagon plane crash. Unlike the WTC one which was clearly shown on quite a few recordings the pentagon crash has remained shrouded in mystery. There have never been any reasonable explanations of what happened to the plane, it shouldn't just disappear. This short movie shows a few interesting photos and videos and stuff but really doesn't come to any firm conclusions. Leave your comments here for what you really think happened.

New Navistar pickup towers over offerings from Hummer

So you want the biggest possible truck money can buy, without actuall buying a truck. You already had a hummer and decided it wasn't big enough. Well here is the answer. It's based upon the body of a cement mixer, can carry 6 tons in the back and is basically a huge waste of petrol. I mean sometimes big things are cool but really what practical use is the average fool going to get out of a truck like this. Maybe some red-necks will be able to fit the whole family in the back or something.

Via Gizmodo

Crazy Cell Phone Signal Blocker

Now I'm not saying that mobile phones are 100% safe, but people have been using them for a while now and most of us haven't had crazy aneurisms or brain transplants. Yet here is a product that is sure to save your life. Designed to block cell-phone wavelengths and prevent them from entering your brain. mmmm brain. Anyway I think its a load of crap, anyone who buys this stuff is just supporting internet spam.

Monday, September 13, 2004

N Korea says it blew up mountain

Rather than admit to doing nuclear tests the N Korean government has come out with a really believable explanation of the extremely large blast felt throughout north asia a couple of days ago. Uh yeah we blew up the mountain, you know it's for a dam we are building. Sure it is. As always the Simpsons shall guide us... "I like stories"

Giant Aquarium for your house

I always wanted a huge aquarium in the middle of a house. I reckon it'd be awesome to have rooms separated only be the gentle movements of exotic fish and and the strange fights of japanese fighting fish. Plus if you were hungry you could always drop a line in and grab yourself some dinner. This AquaDom Aquarium really takes the cake though. Its five stories high and has a lift going through the middle of it. Sweet. I know what I'm getting installed this week.

Via BoingBoing

Friday, September 10, 2004

Super boat looks like my new shoes

So you've got a spare $24 million lying around eh? And you are in the market for a supreme super yacht. Then look no further. This baby can cruise at speeds of up to 70mph and is finished in everyones favourite colour, black. While you are ordering your own you could kindly shout me one too, just for fun you know.

The picture is really cool but I couldn't get it to link properly. So you'll have to read the damn article yourself.

Whirl-a-drone makes me Dizzy

I long for a future where we all live in cities on the moon but until that day we'll just have to rely on the military to provide us with our amusement. Whirl-a-drone, despite its stupid name, is designed to hover in the sky for days at a time spying on your enemies. I'm sure they are going to load it up with weapons as well and then we will have a spinning death machine to put all those pesky jay-walking terrorists in their place.

Glowing soccer balls, space aliens and moonshine

Hmmm my japanese isn't quite up to scratch but the gist of this article is that they are now releasing a soccer ball that has lights in it so you can play at night. I don't know why they don't just do what my next door neighbour did and soak a ball in petrol, light it and kick it around while drunk. The only problem was that it got onto the roof while still burning. It didn't burn the house down but it did leave a nice burn on the roof.

Ok if you all can't read japanese (me neither) here is gizmodo's article in english.

Atari to hit gamers with blasts from past

Hey well you remember ATARI?? No, well I do along with a whole bunch of other people it seems. Atari is back with a compilation game DVD with like 80 games all together on one DVD for PS2 etc. I remember the days of trusty atari games and they give you the tried and true atari joysticks also. Sweet I say.

Thursday, September 09, 2004

In a secret Paris cavern, the real underground cinema

Hmmm very interesting, a strange underground cinema. A weird collection of movies and a bar. What have the catacombs of paris been hiding?? Supposedly this kind of thing is not that uncommon. Get a bunch of drunken frenchmen together and they'll start digging, would appear to be the take home message. What I don't get is if this wasn't really a secret society why go to all the trouble of building it underground. Anyway its an interesting article.

Center's 'chicken gun' helps shuttle return to flight

Mmmmmm chicken gun. I know if I wanted to fire a chicken at 1500mph this is the machine I'd use. But instead of getting it to fire chickens these fools are using it to fire foam at space shuttles to see how well it can survive being hit by foam. I like firing chickens more, it sounds like more fun.

Wednesday, September 08, 2004

Strange Plane like thing

I guess its a plane, but it uses some kind of strange fan thing to propel it through the air. Supposedly to increase lift so it can carry heavier weights. Personally I'd rather take the spruce moose. It was clearly a superior aircraft and was capable of flying from New York to the Belgian Congo in 17 minutes. Now that's flying!

Tuesday, September 07, 2004


Come back GARY COLEMAN seems to be the main focus of this interesting letter. I to would like to see a return to the classic comedy stylings of Gary Coleman. Despite infrequent appearances in The Simpsons and other comedy goldmines Gary Coleman's career has been cruelly cut short. So hail to you Mr. Coleman, please revive your fine show and your even more amusing hair.

Scientists Set Internet2 Speed Record

Aaah internet2 will you be my saviour. Internet1 has become nothing but a let down showing us porn and junk email day after day. Personally I'll be gald when internet2 takes over, its meant to be heaps faster and have even higher quality porn and spam. If you are interested in how fast then look no further. Recently between switzerland and california they were able to get speeds of 50.5gigs/min. That's speed enough to transfer an average movie in 4 secs. Sweet. I know I'll be downloading every movie I want in under 10 minutes this weekend. I've just gotta figure out how to hook up internet2...

Tickets for World Cup

Now I know this might be a little earlyfor some but I'm super keen to score tickets to the world cup in 2006. It could be damn expensive to stay there but the matches are going to kick ass and its going to be a heap of fun. February is when they go on sale and I'll be buying at least 50 and selling them on.

Monday, September 06, 2004

Wired News: Music Fans, Beware the Big Bass

So there once was a guy named Patrick who had a collapsed lung, he spent six weeks in hospital and the doctors couldn't tell him why it happened. Maybe it was all those cubans he was smokin', maybe it was his constant struggle to look like the 4th member of ZZ top, but wait...... It was none of these things. Instead it was all that pumping bass that he kept listening to. So one of life's great mysteries is solved, the case of the sudden irrepairable collapsed lung.

Friday, September 03, 2004

BBspot - SpinLogic Recalls Hard Drives Due To Coriolis Effect

Aaah hard drives spinning backwards. This takes me back to the days of the Y2K bug, which was one of the biggest hoaxes ever perpetrated on man. Still here is the amusing article. I know I've already asked our IT support staff to confirm that all our hard-drives are spinning the right way for the southern hemisphere.

ABS medal tally: Australia finishes third

This highly accurate technique for seeing who really won the olympics puts the trusty bahamas first. Based upon gold medals/population it definitely puts the US in its place. Australia finishes third which isn't a bad effort.

As a side comment Australians are way too obsessed with sport. I enjoy sport but goddam swimming is boring. How can a few million people find it interesting to sit there night after night watching people go back and forth.

Thursday, September 02, 2004

House prices show biggest fall in 18 years

House prices show biggest fall in 18 years, well its about freaking time. After watching house prices continually sky rocket for the last decade I'm glad that finally things seem to be cooling off. I'm not saying I want to buy a house right now, but it was looking like a pipe dream for the average aussie to own their own house ever. Well capitalism was always going to win in the end and an unsustainable market was eventually going to happen. Right, enough with the serious discussion lets find some more cool stuff on the net.

Wednesday, September 01, 2004

The Morning News - Tricks of the Trade

An interesting article that provides one of tricks that a variety of experts supposedly use. Its not really that exciting and I noticed it a week or so ago but the internet has been so damn crap today. Anyway the story is here, plus Mac unveiled their new G5 iMac today or something. But no one really gives a stuff about that.