Friday, December 24, 2004

Farewell 2004. Back in 2005!

Hey everybody, this will probably be the last post of the year. This afternoon I'm off to Sydney and then to the beach for a week over new years. Its been an interesting year of generally crazy links including my personal favourite the karate chimp. I'll be back in 2005 with a new army of genetically modified super animals for your amusement. Thanks to anybody who contributed a link for this year and keep the craziness coming.

Hot-rods of Ayumi Hamasaki's fans

Now this site is filled with some high quality English but they have also filled it with many fine examples of some hotted up vans. Supposedly as homage to someone namedAyumi Hamasaki. Now I've got no idea who that is but it doesn't stop me looking at these crazy vans. Now I just gotta buy an old combi and put some fibreglass on it and I can be as cool as these chimps.

Wednesday, December 22, 2004

-~-~ Lego Goes To Hollywood ~-~-

Here are some mighty interesting little videos and other things down with lego! Including classics such as michael jackson's thriller along with many others its pretty funny. The videos are pretty large to download but are well worth it. Someone went to a lot of effort to make all these clips and goddam there are pretty awesome. See the cool Lego Goes To Hollywood here!

Via J-WalkBlog

Hooray German Beer at the World Cup

I'd read a while back that only american beer (bud), the crappiest most filthiest watery crap was going to be sold at the world cup in Germany in 2006. Well the brewers of bud have come to an agreement with bitburger to ensure german beer is sold!!! Hooray. I was seriously considering going to the world cup but with only crappy american beer it was going to be pretty annoying. This way I can get drunk off the more high quality stuff. Excellent.

Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Foosball Acrobatics

My god, I mean people get obsessed by all kinds of things and then end up amazingly good at things but this is just plain ridiculous. The skills on show in this video of Foosball Acrobatics are just amazing. I don't know how many takes they had to do to get these shots but dammit they fact that they can do it at all is amazing.

You have to click on the link below the title to actually download the movie. I couldn't actually link to the video.

Friday, December 17, 2004

Images for Gran Turismo 4

For all those GT fans out there here are some more Images for Gran Turismo 4. I posted ages ago about how this was supposed to be out this year. Well turns out that ain't true, and we'll probably see the game in pal land sometime approaching the middle of next year. Damn you sony always tempting me with the lushious goodies but failing to deliver on time.

Man on vodka binge blows .462

Now that's what I call a binge. After supposedly drinking for the last two weeks straight and then crashing his car into a tree this crazy fool blows .462. He drank one and a half bottles of vodka which is stupid to begin with but then drove his car which is even more stupid.

Thursday, December 16, 2004

How to use Japanese style toilet

For all those people heading off to japan here is the definitive guide in dodgy animation on how to use Japanese style toilet. I dunno what kind of genius came up with this or why??? If you go back to the main page it has a list of toilets and stuff which is all just a little weird.

Thanks Kathleen!

Dry Quicksand

I saw this a couple of days ago but then forgot about it, now i have been reminded about Dry Quicksand. Basically if you dry and fill with air an amount of sand you can create a bed of sand that appears to swallow things whole. See the little video on the site to watch a ping pong ball completely disappear and shoot a trail behind it because it disappeared so fast.

Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Advice to beer drinkers

If you are going to invent a contraption to force beer down your throat at high speed be sure not to rupture your stomach. Some genius in perth and a bunch of mates at a 21st invented a device that uses a drill motor to force beer down peoples throats at higher speeds than normal. Of course with higher speeds comes higher pressure and with high pressure comes ruptured stomach.

Alllllright speeding toilet

Many strange vehicles come across my desk and each and every day I am more and more perplexed by the minds that come up with these fine inventions. I mean who was sitting on the crapper wishing that all of a sudden their loo would get up and be involved in a hugh speed accident on a local freeway. For those interested here is the Speeding Outhouse. Its got a freaking jet engine in it and beats his friends jet bar stool 2/4 races. Man people are just weird.

mmmm meat suitcase

Getting this suitcase through customs might be tough in some countries but if it does come through you'll probably die from the ridiculous amount of lard contained within the Wurstkoffer. Anyone eating that much pork and other salty fatty goodness is guaranteed to die within the next 5 hours. mmmm tasty.

Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Animals and Martial Arts

Continuing in the vein of the karate chimp from last week comes dog judo. NOw this isn't real like the karate chimp appeared to but it is just as amusing. I'll have to continue my experiments in the lab to ensure that the dogs are ready to join the chimps in the world wide offensive next week.

Monday, December 13, 2004

Miniaturized Classic Sports Cars

More millionaires are looking for new and exciting presents to buy their spoilt rotten kids for christmas and along with a bunch of other crap you can now get Miniaturized Classic Sports Cars. These little suckers go for about $40K for the standard porsche and jaguar models and probably get a lot more expensive as you get into the real race categories. This is just crazy, you can buy a whole car for that much and it'd go a lot faster than 40mph. Just buy your stupid fat kid a new porsche you jerk and buy one for me too.

Friday, December 10, 2004

Hybrid War Humvees

So the military in the US wastes a bucket load of fuel on driving fools around to wars they shouldn't even be involved in. In fact the wars only exist to gain oil so the military can continue burning fuel to go to war to gain more oil. Sounds a bit circular right. Well maybe they are finally trying to escape from oil and have gone with a hybrid humvee. Looks like a pretty ugly ride but it supposedly broke all these off terrain records and such.


Heh, this Balloony video caused some mild amusement, sure it ain't no karate chimp but it was enough to raise a smile on a tired friday afternoon. Damn internet where has the new content and amusement gone!!! I demand a higher standard of internet amusement.

Heavymetal Bandmember Shot and Killed

In a blow to those who don't believe that heavy metal music causes violence a man has gone on a killing rampage at a nightclub. The killer allegedly jumped on stage and immediately began firing into the former pantera guitarist Dimebag Darrell killing him and a number of crowd members. So to all those kids out there listening to the rock and roll music, stop immediately and join the church because no one has ever killed anyone over religion.

Mel Gibson buys this island

So Mel Gibson has way too much cashola and since his passion movie he has even more, so according to some dodgy report he has recently bought this island in Fiji. Now this isn't really the surprising thing for me, its more the fact that there is a website devoted to supplying people with their own personal island. Have a look around and pick out one of your own. I don't know about you but that one that mel bought seems pretty damn good.

Thursday, December 09, 2004

God of Fire Limited Edition Humidors

For the man who has everything this christmas comes the Prometheus - 2004 God of Fire Limited Edition Humidors. At $6000 a pop they ain't cheap but they do come packed with limited edition cigars. Which should be interesting enough to keep even the most avid cigar fan happily smoking for weeks. Each draw can be customised for temp and humidity to ensure that all your different cigars are kept at their best. Even those 12" suckers you've been storing behind the drywall.

Tuesday, December 07, 2004

Dancing Robots kick ass

As part of my neverending quest to discover some breakdancing robots, toyota is planning some kind of mega surprise dancing robot ceremony at some convention or something. The link goes to the press release, if you look past the first couple of pages they go into some details on the robots involved. One of them is a human controlled vehicle type thing that can be on two wheels or four. Whacky man.

Monday, December 06, 2004

MATTRACKS rubber track conversion systems

When wheels aren't enough enter the MATTRACKS. They will convert your already ridiculously large SUV that you never use off road into a tracked vehicle so that you can really take it absolutely anywhere. Personally I can't see much advantage in putting little tracks in exactly the same place that the wheels are except for maybe climbing super steep hills. It certainly would make it a lot harder to drive on the freeway at 160kmh.

Rats detect landmines

In today's who would've thunk it comes this fine organisation that uses African giant pouched rats to detect mines. Now this kind of thing could easily be a hoax but at the moment it seems pretty legit. Supposedly the super rats can also be used to detect cancer along with abilities to fly and read minds. Now I just have to combine these suckers with the karate monkeys and my plan for world domination will be unstoppable.


I dunno why this is really called reflex, but then again maybe its because I only played the first couple of levels. If you're bored at work it looks like another ridiculously addictive game that will keep you amused for hours. Bejewelled will always be king in my mind though.

Thursday, December 02, 2004

Chimps and Karate

Some karate masters are calling this the greatest accomplishment in the history of mankind. Others are calling it foolish and degrading to the chimpanzee population. But dammit it is one of the funniest things I've ever seen. A chimp doing karate, I mean what could possibly be finer. I reckon we could train up a whole army of these chimps and use them in the plan to take over the world.

Wednesday, December 01, 2004

Giant Plane Stuck on Highway

I don't know if any of you remember this amusing picture.......

Bastards stopped me linking to the picture so you'll have to go look at the page yourself.

It was hanging around the net last year and at the time I thought is was just another clever photoshop hoax, well it turns out it's true. Some foolish pilot couldn't work out how to park his giant plane and decided to leave it on the end of the runway overhanging a highway. Dang fools