Thursday, August 31, 2006

Cannonball Run in Australia

Sweet eh, if you are a crazy fun loving kind of guy with some cashola to spend on entry fees and speeding tickets than the Cannonball Run is the car event for you. The event has been held all over the world in previous years and is now heading towards Oz, in May 2007. I reckon we get a bunch of fives together and buy an olde Cadillac and use it in the rally with a variety of drivers to keep us all occupied.

School of Fish

Yes, the title is actually a witty pun, as these fish actually do attend a Fish School. At school they learn how to play soccer amongst other fine sports. In fact this fish would be a benefit to our indoor soccer team and could be used as some kind of super sub to replace some of the dead wood that has been hanging around for a few years now. in fact the whole team is cut and I'm replacing you all with genetically engineered super fish that will triumph over all opposition and leave me to retire to a life of luxury in Monte Carlo. I can have my own mega yacht and fill it with trained fish to bring me drinks and food. Sweeeet.

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

More super guitars

You know those guitars that are like double guitars? Well they are so old school that I can't possibly believe that I mentioned them here on this very blog. Because the wave of the future is the 42 string awesome piece of fun loving funk that you will find here. The thing took 2 years to build and is not for sale. However I'm sure you could whip one up in your basement with some super glue and a collection of old corrugated cardboard.

Praise the knife

As long as there are knives people will use them for stabbing stuff and for filing, screwdriving, pliering, rivetting and all other 85 uses of the The Most Incredible Knife. Sure it don't look so pretty and half the tools at least are probably hunks of junk that would break at the first attempt to disassemble a small block chev but at least you could claim that you had the worlds most tooled up knife.

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Personal Helicopters

Small helicopters have been around for a while, but this fine speicmen takes the idea to a whole new level with the helicopter basically taking a lawnmower motor and adding it to some styrofoam blades. Well maybe its a little sturdier than that but the GEN H-4 still looks like you could easily decapitate your neighbour's dog. So go out and order one from Japan and then fly it around like a lunatic, it could be fun!

Friday, August 25, 2006

The Google Maps flight sim

Aaaah google maps, is there anything you can't do. Well now there is a google maps flight sim. This crazy little piece of software preloads some of the most famous cities around the world and allows you to fly around them and even fire some super high powered rocket propelled grenades into the scenery with no visible effect. Nah, its a pretty funky use of the olde google maps and provides some suitably mind numbing entertainment for a Friday afternoon.

Look at me after laying down some whooop ass on the Sydney Opera house.

Windup Lederhosen

Aaah well, sometimes you need a pair of Windup Lederhosen. I mean think of the endless amusement that could be had with a pair of these. They could walk across your desk and fall onto the floor, and then you could pick them up again and send them on their merry way once more. These would be a great toy to customise as a robot army of destruction, people would be so terrified of them that there is no way you would ever be defeated. So go on, order a few and make the world a better place.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Treadmill Dance

Yes, we're back!!!!! After an absence of a few weeks due to a terminal case of leprosy we have returned normal transmission with some amusing video action. First cab of the rank comes with the Treadmill Dance which although it starts slowly is one of the more amusing online vids I've seen for a while. I dunno what kind of creative genius came up with this, but they deserve a medal or a bullet so get downloading!

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Quad burger

As the size of the world's waistlines continues to grow what we clearly need are some larger hamburgers. Personally I'd like to see a bit more quality rather than a whole bunch more meat but who am I to complain, I just work here. So anyway here is a story about the Quad Stacker from ye olde burger king. Coming soon to an artery near you.

Thanks Mike