Friday, June 30, 2006

How to get a scammer to carve a C64

Aaaah Commodore 64s were the height of computing, there never has been a more functional and fun device to spend hours on. Sure the load times of the tape drive could sometimes be measured in hours and the floppy drive was prone to overheating but they were fun dammit. I also want a carving of a commmodore 64 so this fine reverse scammer spends much time on convincing a scammer to complete some fine art work for him. So if you are bored and have a few minutes to spare go ahead and read all about the C64 carving. Its a barrel of fun and proves that even scammers are super gullible.

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Hmm migraines be gone

Some people get a bucket load of migraines and spend hours and days complaining about them. Then some jerk comes along and thinks that zapping your brain with some kind of modified tazer might actually make the pain go away. Well I'm not about to try the Neuralieve but if any of you suckers are big enough to try this thing let me know what degree burns you end up with. Nah, actually it just uses magnetic pulses to supposedly release the tension but if that works then why am I still here and not drunk.

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Cooking... with your car

No your car doesn't enter the kitchen and make you a roast dinner like you wish it would but instead, what it does do, is provide you with a ready source of heating for some fine cooking. A lot of journeys above a few minutes can be used to cook a variety of products in a number of different manners so if you feel like some engine black eggs then head on over to Cooking... with your car. I especially liked this comment from the guy who did all this engine cooking.
"On my next long trip, I'd live to make a rack to support a pork roast or even a rack of ribs to cook slowly."
So get out there and cook me some chicken and noodles because I'm hungry and gnawing on this phone isn't helping the situation.

Monday, June 26, 2006

Hobo begging

So I decided to try living on the streets for a while to amuse myself while this long exciting world cup was going on. Plus if you beg outside the good electronic stores you can watch the giant plasma TVs. Well how much money can you make begging? It seems that if you are an excellent 'pan-handler' you could make a few hundred dollars a day. But if you were just a regular hobo, like me, you'd probably make about $5 and a few vouchers for car washes and stuff. If this sounds like the life for you then go for it, and stop hassling me so I can get back to sleep.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Ant World Cup

Sorry about the lack of updates people, I've been far too busy watching the world cup. Go STRAYA!!! I did manage to draw myself away from the real world cup for a bit to look at the ant world cup and it proved to me that the world will one day be overtaken by ant overlords. I for one welcome our new masters and wish them all their best on their journey to the moon.

Probably no more updates until the 26th of June. I'm out of town so I can avoid any distractions from the world cup.

Friday, June 09, 2006

Gizoogle - Transizlatin' Page

Man, if this isn't the shizzinist page in the history of da universe. Of course my site was going to translate using gizoogle into da most fly page eva. This site is actually pretty cool and a hell of a lot more interesting than a poke in the eye with a fetid dog turd. Swweeet.

Thanks Patrick!

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Chicken Girl 4

The world will soon end, that is the only possible message that can be taken from Chicken Girl 4. If you haven't seen the previous three chicken girls be sure to download them to because otherwise you won't understand at all. Well if you'll believe that then you'll believe anything I tell you so send me all your credit card numbers and I'll tell you if you have a lucky one, ok? Actually Chicken Girl 4 just defies belief, the fact that anyone has the time to make this crap is a clear indication that the world is about to end and we are all going to be consumed by our own boredom. Enjoy!! I mean look at this high quality pic, gold, I say, pure gold.

GNU Radio!

Aaaah, Gnus if there is any finer animal in the world I dunno what it is. I'm still not quite sure why a Gnu is out designing a radio but hell what am I? Some kind of genius or something. All I know is that this Gnu, yes this very one has successfully desgined a Radio and video thingee that circumvents all those nasty rules about what you can and can't use your HDMI equipped 42" plasma for. So instead of having to put up with crap from the man you can actually freely access content that is buzzing around in the air. Plus as an added bonus you can actually use the thing to receive GPS signals and all kinds of other stuff. They all use radio waves right and this device can be used to receive crap from any part of the spectrum. Read the damned article if I'm not making any sense here or just look at that Gnu.

Promised Land Paintball

With a tagline "America's best Christian Paintball Park" this site proves that everything is good in the world. Promised Land Paintball promises that Jeebus will still love you despite the fact that you are firing little balls of paint at other people's foreheads. Actually the site doesn't really promise very much at all but I'm sure you'll have a rocking good time.

Via J-Walk Blog

Friday, June 02, 2006

Despair, Inc.

Yes, do you despair of anything good ever happening? Are you the ultimate pessimist who believes the world is out to get you well Despair, Inc. is the site for you. Offering a range of despair related prodcuts and services what more could you want when you feel the whole world is out to get you. So go and and have a look, or not if you think the world is going to end and its not going to matter.