Weird user agreements
I don't normally blog other blogs, its lazy and creates a link chain that is pointless and fills the internets with stupid links. Normally I attempt to blog real content, like midgets and the strange world of undead armies. So why does this post about weird user agreements interest me so much. Well mainly for the comment at the end about EULA agreements which you agree to just by opening the packet. Like those software agreements that take your first born child when you remove the wrapping from your latest edition of microsoft golf.
Anyway the comment states:
"Any idea if any friendly lawyer-types have considered putting together a 'counter-EULA'? Ideally, it would be simple form letter that you can mail back to a company that you've recently done business with, that would read "By opening this envelope, you agree to release [name] from the EULA bundled with [product]", and go on from there with the proper legalese. After all, if they believe that opening a product box signals acceptance of a contract, then it's no different the other way around."