Well thank you Mr Full Bench of the Federal Court. This has to be one of the dumbest decisions in the history of bad bad decisions. Sure, it was probably influenced by our ultra conservative government that just doesn't understand the web but how the f**k can you possibly make it illegal to link to content that isn't your own. Doing this link to this
story about the copyright ruling is now probably illegal, because smh own the content. Well what a f**king load of crock. Basically some guy got busted for hosting a site that wait for it, didn't actually contain any copyrighted material but linked to sites that did. So now this whole blog is illegal, and google is illegal, and in fact every single site in pretty much the whole web is illegal. Gee they really thought this one through didn't they!!!!
Read the
full judgement if you wanna get more angry.
Actually, I'll go on here. I know that Australia already has some of the lamest DRM and copyright laws in the world. Last time I checked it was still actually illegal to rip your own cds and put them on an mp3 player but decisions like this make me just wanna leave this forsaken country and government behind and head somewhere with at least a little bit of an idea about what the future of the world is about. You know sharing, ideas and information freely and openly and giving people the right to make up their own mind about what they should view and see rather than it being regulated in a communist style manner through laws and stupid agencies that do nothing other than waste government money. Plus people always work out a way around this kind of cr@p so its just a waste of time.