Thursday, December 21, 2006

USB humping dog

I'm so buying a few of these when I'm in Tokyo next year. These humping dogs are only $20 a pop. Plus if I go over there to buy them I save $2 on shipping. $2, people, think of the possibilities, in tokyo. I could buy 1 second on the latest DDR game or maybe 1/178th of a beer in a pub. Sweet. Oh yeah, its just so amusing, I can't wait to dish these out to people as presents.

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Seat Guru

Although I'm still fuming about the whole internet linking is now illegal in Australia crapola. I thought I'd give you something better to brighten your spirit. Like Seat Guru which lets you look up seats on flights and work out if you should ring the airline up and try and swap early. So for everyone travelling over Christmas look up this fantabulous site and see what sort of plane you are on and where you are sitting and it'll tell you if you get your own entertainment, power supply, personal massuse and stuff. What it won't tell you is if the guy who will be sitting next to you will weigh 300kg and is travelling with two three year old kids on his lap.

Linking to content now illegal

Well thank you Mr Full Bench of the Federal Court. This has to be one of the dumbest decisions in the history of bad bad decisions. Sure, it was probably influenced by our ultra conservative government that just doesn't understand the web but how the f**k can you possibly make it illegal to link to content that isn't your own. Doing this link to this story about the copyright ruling is now probably illegal, because smh own the content. Well what a f**king load of crock. Basically some guy got busted for hosting a site that wait for it, didn't actually contain any copyrighted material but linked to sites that did. So now this whole blog is illegal, and google is illegal, and in fact every single site in pretty much the whole web is illegal. Gee they really thought this one through didn't they!!!!

Read the full judgement if you wanna get more angry.

Actually, I'll go on here. I know that Australia already has some of the lamest DRM and copyright laws in the world. Last time I checked it was still actually illegal to rip your own cds and put them on an mp3 player but decisions like this make me just wanna leave this forsaken country and government behind and head somewhere with at least a little bit of an idea about what the future of the world is about. You know sharing, ideas and information freely and openly and giving people the right to make up their own mind about what they should view and see rather than it being regulated in a communist style manner through laws and stupid agencies that do nothing other than waste government money. Plus people always work out a way around this kind of cr@p so its just a waste of time.

Will It Blend?

Yes, Will It Blend takes everyday objects and tests to see whether they will blend. I noticed this site a while back and then forgot about it because of a drunken night with a colobus monkey. Lets just say that those colobus monkeys are a lot smarter than they look. Who would've thunk that they could set up their own brewery selling gourmet colobus beers to up tight upper middle class guys with too much cash to spend at their local brewpub. Anyway, after that adventure which ended up with hazy talk about ipods being the worst media player ever, Denis reminded me about will it blend and now you should go and look too.

Thanks Denis!

Monday, December 18, 2006


Yep, it sure is ugly and stupid. I mean I'm a big fan of stupid inventions but sometimes things just go too far. Surely pedalling through the snow is going to be a big enough challenge without making it impossible to control too. Well, if you like stupid looking dangerous toys then theKtrak is for you. Offering none of the benefits of a traditional bike and all the problems of a snow plow, this little sucker is guaranteed to cause more broken arms then a trip to the broken arm factory.

Brain controlled bot

As with all bots this one can walk, dance and crush, kill and destroy with hapless abandon. The big difference here is in the brain control system. Take one small humanoid bot, one small humanoid and some fancy computer heeby jeebys and you have the brain control bot. Now, this is definitely the way of the future. Any undead army of killer bots could be controlled by a simple humanoid and a look of surprise. Supposedly a camera on the bot transmits things back to the humanoid, which then registers surprise and the bot picks things up. This would be cool if a range of emotions was detected, so if you were disgusted the bot would just start pummelling the object. Its the way of the future I tell you.

Wii have fixed the problem

After all the reports of Wii controllers gone awry, Nintendo have decided to replace the Wii straps. Go on, say it out loud, it'll make you sound scottish. Arrg, the wiii straaaps. I canna give her anymore power cap'n. So if you buy a new wii you'll be flushed with pride at the extra thickness of your strap and it'll prevent you from horribly maiming thousands of innocent bystanders. So someone buy me a wii for christmas because I wanna see what kind of damage I can do.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Wii Have A Problem...

Ah well the new Nintendo Wii is drawing a fair ammount of comment around the webosphere. Including the Wii Have A Problem site which details the many problems with the Wii. The funniest thing about the wii is the injuries that have been caused by flying controllers. I mean look at this fine image here, supposedly caused by a guy hitting his wife while drunk and battling a level boss in the new Zelda game. Sure she looks happy but I bet that smashed up visage could account for a lawsuit or twenty.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Adopt A Sheep

You know how you can adopt children in third world countries. Well now you can Adopt A Sheep right here in Aus. As some of you probably know we are in the midst of a terrible drought, some say the worst in 1000 years. All major cities in East Coast Australia have water restrictions and some are quite severe. But the cities are nowhere near as bad off as the country where some farmers have barely seen rain for many years. So if you care about sheep then adopt one!

Friday, December 08, 2006

How to Calculate Pi by Throwing Frozen Hot Dogs - WikiHow

Well the title really says it all. How to Calculate Pi by Throwing Frozen Hot Dogs. Now I'm not entirely sure of the scientific basis for this fun experiment and the idea of throwing hundreds of hotdogs also doesn't appeal. Yet somehow at the end of it all you get a really pretty accurate estimation of Pi. So get out there, throw some dogs, or whatever other long straight objects you have lying around the house.

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Water on Mars

Every week or two I hear fresh news about water on Mars. Yes there is water, no there isn't. Maybe its filled with man-eating bacteria and maybe we can harvest them for nutrients. Whatever happens I welcome our new martian overlords who will provide us with water in the midst of this terrible drought. So quit your complaining about the lack of rain, get yo ass to mars and get us some water.