Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Vista as prose

Although I was tempted to call the following review of Vista a poem I guess its not. Its more like some kind of prose of what vista is like. If you don't quite get what I'm talking about that's perfectly normal because I normally have no idea what the hell I'm talking about either. So maybe you should read the damned review yourselves and stop hassling me. Pssst, the answer is that vista is visual gold but will take your testicles for its trouble.

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Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Cyborgs are one step closer

For years humankind has dreamt of leaving their feeble bodies behind and replacing them with a far superior cyborg body. Well now that dream is one step closer to reality with a robotic jacket that can be controlled by healthy muscles. So fairly soon we'll all be wearing these mega suits that will provide us with 8000 times strength and the ability to crush small animals in a single finger. Excellent, then they incorporate some of that infrared cyborg eye technology and the world will be a better place.

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Thursday, February 15, 2007

Not so secret now!

So the US are building a secret base in WA. Well geniuses, it ain't so secret now is it. Considering the fact that its plastered all over a national newspaper I can't for the life of me imagine why the hell they called it secret to begin with. In fact its soooo un-secret that maybe its just a ploy and really they are building the base on the moon or in Australian antarctic territory. Then Dirk Pitt will come in and destroy the base because it gets overtaken by commie nazis.

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Wednesday, February 14, 2007

MacGyver's science

MacGyver used to be the man. In fact he was probably the second man of the 80s behind Mr T who was guaranteed to be the man. Well there might be a few other candidates like the Hoff but generally I'd say that MacGyver is it. No, no Mr T is it. Anyway enough about the various 80's megadudes. This story is about MacGyver and the fact that Wikipedia (world's greatest invention) contains an article about all the problems solved by MacGyver. Exciting stuff I know and as usual I'm off to create a nuclear reactor with some paper clips and 3 ring binders I found on my desk.

Thanks Mykl

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Cyanide and happiness

Yes cyanide and happiness can peacefully co-exist in a web comic that will keep you all amused for the next 8 hours. Sure the jokes aren't high class but they are damned funny. So I recommend you all quit your jobs, smoke something interesting and enjoy this amusing comic. If after 30 minutes without a job you feel unsatisfied then perhaps you can work at the box factory because I don't give a damn. Who listens to advice from a blog anyway.

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Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Lego millenium falcon

Chewie here tells me you're lookin' for passage to the Alderaan system? Well maybe you are and maybe you aren't but this lego millenium falcon is cool enough to satisfy any fanboys' trip to Alderaan. Yep at $499 it ain't cheap and you'll have to spend 5 minutes putting it together (All lego these days only has about 5 pieces) but it'll then sit gathering dust for years. Nah, actually there are 5000 pieces and it'll take an army of robot controlled ants to put it all together. I can't quite decide if its stupid or cool so I think it ends up with both tags.

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Swiss army sunnies

Old sunnies don't quite cut it. Spending $500 on a bit of plastic and metal that only protects your eyes. Well think again, because the swiss army sunnies are here to keep you amused. These bad boys come with up to 263 customisable tools including such genius tools as "a backup pair of sunnies" and a "drinking straw". Oh my god, the possibilities are endless. In fact these are the sunnies of a thousand uses. From a magnifying glass to burn ants to a small thermo-nuclear device to buen ants, these sunnies have all the goodies you need.


Monday, February 12, 2007

USB tank

In the world of pointless USB devices there have not been many better than the USB humping dog from a few weeks ago. Well this USB tank comes pretty damned close. Basically you take a remote control tank jazz it up a little bit so the controller can be used via USB, fill it up with little plastic rockets that fire up to 20 feet (with a strong tail wind) and set it loose on the office. Although it would be mildly amusing for about 2 seconds if someone bought one of these into work I'd be keen to stomp all over it.

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Quantum computing

Well this blog has been too low brow for far too long. Now we are entering the world of multiple qubit quantum computers. If that mouthful is a bit too much for you then head to the internets and try to find out all about it. Basically a qubit can be simultaneously in a 0 or 1 position or anywhere in between meaning that a quantum computer can perform massive parallel computations. Sure, sounds tricky but you still don't understand. Anyway just accept that its the future of modern computing and your Core 2 Duo extreme is certain to be out of date by next week.

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Friday, February 09, 2007

Internets under attack

So the internets were placed under sustained attack over the last couple of days and it was extremely lucky that the tubes didn't crack under the pressure. Well that's sort of interesting, but to me the far more interesting fact is that 13 computers control the whole internet. It just doesn't make any sense, one of the key things about the net is that despite individual sections of the net going down other portions should still be able to talk to each other. I dunno people if this is all that's stopping the aliens from seizing world domination then we better start working on installing norton antivirus 1993 on all these computers to prevent attacks.
