Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Copyright not valid sometimes

Yes suckers, as soon as a copyright protection is broken then it is no longer effective so can no longer be protected in a court of law. At least that's my interpretation of this wacky finnish district court ruling that will undoubtably set the precedent for all court cases from now on.

Look the whole DRM thing just doesn't work. Quit it!! Investigate other business options and stop filling lawyers pockets with gold idiots. I reckon record companies and the MPAA studios could make a packet load more cash just by selling legitimate content at a reduced price without DRM. I'd sure by a helluva lot more legit material if it was priced somewhat reasonably for legitimate download.

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Friday, May 25, 2007

Hot chip vending machine

Wow, you'll never have to move from your desk/chair/couch ever again with one of these hot chip vending machines. Think of the endless convenience of having hot grease delivered fresh to your arteries every five minutes. Set ones of these up next to a coke machine and some japanese cigarette and alcohol machines and you're set for life. Well the next three years until your arteries pack it in and you die a slow and painful death.

Hot chips, Yay!!!

Thanks Denis!

Update! I knew that the Japanese had to have a hamburger vending machine somewhere!! Excellent

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Snakes on a real plane

Ahh when will people learn that you can't take a bag full of snakes onto a plane? 700 snakes in fact. They must've been damned small snakes to even fit 700 onto a carry on bag and why would the guy even think he wouldn't be caught, what with all those liquids and animals all packed together in one bag.


Meds, V!@g5A!?!

Rather than just believing what these fine people had heard from their doctors and qualified medical practitioners about all kinds of medications and went and created their own website filled with information. Now crazy meds isn't the kind of site where you can order your own happy pills, but it is the kind of site that presents information in a user friendly way about that truck load of bipolar medicine you found behind that dumpster. So get cracking and find out the effects of lithium on your gums!

Thanks Mykl!

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Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Congressman living off food stamps

This blog from US congressman Tim Ryan details an interesting little experiment that he has been up to for the last week of so. He has been attempting to live off food stamps for a week. Now US food stamps give you $21 to live off for a whole week, so there isn't much chance of getting some steak or anything else exciting. Day 1 details his plan for the week and how much stuff you can actually get for your cash. So go ahead read the whole weeks worth and find out what its like living off the olde food stamps. Generally I'd say that most people living off food stamps would also have to contribute a bit of their cash too but its an interesting experiment nonetheless.

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Monday, May 21, 2007

Oh yeah, rotating buildings

Once upon a time there were some rotating restaurants. They appeared to be all the rage in the 70s and 80s but recently have denegraded into nothing more than tourist traps where people are charged $80 for a small salad and a view of some construction site. Well now they are going one better. This whole building can rotate, separately. Yes, each flow rotates of its own accord causing the building to look different at all different times of the day. Sure, it may only be a pipe dream for now but these dubians will soon build it and then I will buy the 60th floor and fill it with chimpanzees.

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Friday, May 11, 2007

Dodgy Wii Tennis

Although I almost 100% guarantee that this is fake its still amusing to watch this dog beat this dude at wii tennis. Methinks they just taped a wiimote to a fake dog arm and away they went but its still interesting. One day I reckon that dogs will be awesome at wii tennis but until that exclusive training school I've got set up high in the sierra nevada comes to fruition it ain't looking good for fido.

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So you want some meat with your cake? Don't like those crappy chocolately monstrosities that are regularly consumed as being good and interesting food. Well the meatcake is the answer to all your prayers. Filled with meat, sauce and potatoes it couldn't be tastier. Well it could be if they also wrapped it in bacon, but that could be meatcake V2. Enough talking about meatcake I'm going home to make one.

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Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Chicken eating spiders

I knew that all these people fiddling with DNA and genes and so forth would eventually go crazy and release a strange specie that would soon overtake the world. Well it turns out that they haven't yet done it. This chicken eating spider is a natural freak and didn't come out of some scienticians crazy backyard lab. I for one am disappointed. I mean what have these scienticians been up to. If they can't make mega spiders that will soon take over the world then I'm not interested in investing. I'm going to the track instead to gamble on the dogs.


Monday, May 07, 2007

Solar power kicks ass

Why oh why, can't we have giant pyramids of light all over the world fuelling our insatiable need for more power. Well if the future is anything like the Spanish countryside we soon will. This ray tower is just plan cool (not) and focuses the light of 1000 mirrors onto some water which is turned into steam and drives a turbine. I saw a documentary about how it all works and it makes a lot more sense then traditional solar cells which try to convert the suns rays directly into power. Its 100% green and with all this free land in Aus we should be building a few of these suckers to power us into the next billenium. So get cracking government. Stop worrying about nuclear and get started on some serious solutions to the problems!

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