Man acquitted of harpoon attack
Oh yeah, and you thought harpoon attacks were just in the movies. This is one of those cool x-ray pictures that comes along every so often and makes for much amusement.

A collection of the interesting and mundane from around the world. Hopefully interesting enough that people will read it.
Oh yeah, and you thought harpoon attacks were just in the movies. This is one of those cool x-ray pictures that comes along every so often and makes for much amusement.
mmmm, maybe I'm not getting enough silicon. Keep chowing down on those keyboards Chubb. Not enough evidence on what happens if you eat too much, well I bet you turn into some kind of robot or something. I think at least fourty computer parts per day should do it.
I love rice boys, I think they make some of the funniest cars out there. I'm not saying that modifying a car is a bad idea, but perhaps the best place to start would be the engine or somewhere that actuall makes a difference to performance. Unlike these chumps who seem to think that just adding more and more bad spoilers and dodgy paintwork can make the car into a super sports machine.
Hmm well I think these amps are definitely the way of the future. It can take pretty much any video/audio format decode it and play it as loud as you want. Sure they are expensive right now but in five years time they'll be cheap and plentiful and ordinary hobos like me will be able to afford them.
Well i personally am going to have to start drinking a litre or two a day of red wine. Well maybe not that much, but at least a bit more. But usually red wine is accompanied by a nice dinner, a couple of pre-beers and a few cleansing ales afterwards. I think its all the extras that are bad for you.
As exciting as it sounds, its not too bad. I remember looking at this site a few years ago. It has heaps of stats and you can compare countries on all kinds of different things, like crime rates or number of gold medals etc. Its mildly entertaining for a few minutes. See here.
Since the real link isn't working, here is the link to the engadget site. This product shows us that footballs can make good remote controls, plus it would mean ditching all those ugly black ones from the coffee table. If you got really annoyed you could also kick it around the house in a game of mini soccer.
Besides the fact that my hotmail account is continually abused with thousands of spam messages at least now I'll have the space to store them. 250megs from july, it doesn't say here how big attachments will be allowed to be, but they better be improving on the current paltry 1 meg. Read it here.
So I just resigned my job, I've got a few weeks left but hey whatever. If you look here you can see one guys idea of a perfect last day. Does sound like a pretty good day, although I dunno if there will be that many people at my farewell there isn't very many people left at the company at the moment.
So my sister is off around the world. I didn't know anything about where she is going tomorrow, Palmyra in Syria. Here is a brief history as well as some interesting things to see and do. There doesn't appear to be much information out there on this part of the world. Damn internet I demand better service.
No dear god noooooooo! What Should I Do If The Internet Goes Down? The strange thing is that this article is stored on the net so how are you going to access it if it does go down. Maybe through some kinf of psychic connection, or maybe you'll have been smart enough to print it out.
I was intrigued by the title of this article. I was hoping to find a complete shop where all your zombie needs could be bought at one low low price. Instead all I find is a vaguely interesting look at the world of zombie movies. Not a bad site but I want to know where I can buy the freshest brains!
I dunno about this. So swords are going to be effectively banned in Victoria. I hope the rest of australia doesn't follow suit, what about all those martial artists out there who need swords for practice. What about the people who want to collect samurai swords. Sure maybe there should be some kind of police check on people buying swords but flat out banning them is wrong.
LOL, ROFL, ahah ahahahahahah Rooney the new Pele. Yeah England beat croatia, so what. The croatian side this year was pretty poor and if England hadn't won it would've been pretty surprising. But this is just funny, Rooney the new Pele, hah. So he scores 4 goals in 2 games, against some substandard opposition. So what. This is just another example of the english press and footballers getting all excited over nothing. Rooney is quite a good player but in five years he'll lose his speed and then will be no better than any other average striker. Pele had unbelievable control and performed well throughout his career, plus he won three world cups. I doubt Rooney will even win one.
So you're looking for a new Utility Fog. Well you've come to the right place. For those foolish enough to not know about utility fog, its a collection of nanotech robots that are linked up together to give the appearance of something solid. They can be rearranged at any time. The only shame is that at the moment its just a pipe dream.
If I had lots of money and a more serious interest in photography I'd get one of these. This review takes you through the whole thing as well as comparing it to the previous model canon Eos 1D. Although damn it is expensive ($US 4449.00 rrp) it looks like one hell of a camera and 8 megapixels is more than enough megapixels for printing out A2 size pics. Make your own posters, if you have a really kick ass printer that is.
For those that haven't seen this yet, this strange device is supposedly some kind of crowd taser. Which basically means you get to zap a whole bunch of people at once with mega volts. Tasers have had a dubious history with quite a few deaths reported from over zealous use and this kind of weapon can only be worse. What happens if one person cops all the voltage. They'd be pretty screwed I think. Soon the ray guns of Sci Fi will be upon us.
This could be the life, all day spent reading and hanging around in an airport. Well maybe not, in fact it would get pretty annoying after a while and although this guy seems to be slightly crazy doesn't he want to leave. So he's lived in the airport for about 16 years now, thats a hell of a lot of crappy airport food.
Well England better lose. I really dislike the England soccer team, tonight I hope they lose, they are playing Croatia and Vieira seems to think England will lose. I don't really have a great reason for hating the English soccer team so much, apart from their arrogant attitude, beckham, their violent fans, beckham, their continuing string of poor results, beckham, their press that continues to claim they are the greatest side in the history of the universe, beckham and their complete lack of striking skill and goalkeepers.
Well the internet bores me today. I come back from a weekend and except thousands of exciting products and stories to be awaiting me on my desktop. Instead all I find is some lame ass crap about copy protection for music, yeah yeah we know it sux but soon the underground media will take over. Nothing else has even come close to grabbing my attention, what we need is giant robots controlled by genetic super ants. That'll liven up the world.
The International Federation of Competitive Eating has an interesting history of competitive eating throughout the ages. I was interested to learn more as it is almost time for the coney island hotdog eating competition again, one of the finest events on any calender.
People do really stupid things don't they. Like this. Fitting out a 1981 DeLorean exactly like the one in back to the future. Its almost as stupid as that star wars car that was making the rounds a few months ago.
This has gotta be the worlds ugliest stereo, I mean come on, was it designed by some kind of hive mind. Or maybe by a drunk japanese fool who had been obsessed with everquest for 40 years. All I can say is this is just plain stupid. I mean sure it plays all kinds of crap and probably even sounds alright, but I don't think its going to make anyone happy.
I've always wondered about this. How long would the power last if some kind of plague, zombiefication etc wiped out most of the people. In The Stand by Stephen King it takes a simple old trip up to the power station and the pulling of a few levers (once you read the manual) to get it happening again. Although this report is based upon US/Canada I'm sure its applicable pretty much anywhere. Plus its kinda scary when you think about it, I thought these things pretty much ran themselves these days. Anyway if you're interested in how long you have to cook up microwave burritos before the juice goes off look here.
For those who work in an office, which Office Moron are you? Another pointless online quiz that amuses the brain for two seconds before you realise that the results are completely random and crazy. Still better than losing to france in Euro 2004.
Hooray!!! It's finally being released.The Simpsons season 4 when the episodes really start to kick ass. Including some of my favourite episodes, the monorail, mr. plow, whacking day etc. So many memories, so many classic lines. But I have to wait until august?! Damn you cruel world.
Well Richard Branson is at it again. This time crossing the english channel in record time in an amphibious car. Although maybe not as cool looking as the hummer amphibious car featured a couple of weeks ago, this car still looks pretty cool. Capable of 100mph on land or 30mph on sea it would be a lot of fun to drive, I still gotta get one of these for the drive across the lake to work in the mornings.
Roll up roll up for the greatest event in the history of the universe.... Cockroach racing. This company can organise the whole thing for your next corporate event, 21st or christening. Sounds like a barrel o' fun.
A collection on the history of all different types of games. Starting in 1800 this interesting article showcases the development of many games including monopoly and so forth.
I love this blog! Sometimes crazy, sometimes political sometimes about nothing. It is one of the more amusing blogs out there, if you have a bit of time go through some of the old entries they are hilarious. I particularly liked interview week where many fake interviews occurred.
This is a fun little story, about Bill Gates and a simple game. The game itself is quite simple once you work it out. And the name really gives it away. Supposedly trusty bill never really worked it out he just remembered the results from previous spins.
You know that episode of the simpsons where the family goes to duff land. Well it turns out that you really can see the world through the eyes of a drunk. Look at these little beauties. I thing $99 is a bit steep, I could get drunk many times over for that price, with real liquor too. I don't really see the point actually but its interesting anyway.
this seesm to be about earth, but it ain't no ordinary earth. Some guy has created some kind of html poetry and then linked everything together so that people can click on individual words. I don't really see the point and I only found it while looking for ways to escape from planet earth. My spaceship just won't get off the ground.
I dunno if they are the worlds greatest. But these quotes sure do give a man a thirst for a beer. One of the greatest of all time is Homer's beer song.
Now this is my kind of event. The beer mile. A challenge involving running a mile, drinking a beer and repeating 3 times. There seem to be quite a few variants on the main theme but the important thing is to drink beer while running and then getting violently ill.
Well so they've finally put nanotechnology into Gerbils. This has been a dream of mine for some time, and I hope that ants and monkeys will soon follow. Well actually its another online cartoon about gerbils with nanotech, still its kind of amusing although a little strange.
Dunno if people saw these crazy cars but they look like a lot of fun. Kinda like a golf cart with a super engine capable of crushing your enemies while enjoying a martini. Plus they let leaders of the G8 borrow some to boon around in while trying to take over the world. See here,, now why the hell won't they give me one of these babies.
I love this contest. Get a bunch of robot controlled cars, (no human interaction at all) let them loose in the desert and see which robot/car can make it furthest on a challenging off-road course. If I remember correctly last year no car made it through more than about 5% of the course. Quite a few of them turned over or got stuck while trying to navagate simple bridges and so forth. $2 million shmacks though. Almost makes it worth spending $30 million on designing a good robot controlled car and sending it in.
October Surprise! I'd have to say it'll most likely be a combination of all these things. Take the poll and see what its all about, how will George W and Cheney rig the election in Octoober and what dastardly tricks will they pull to make dumb americans vote for them. I think some kind of mind control device is also likely, leading to large groups of americans refusing to vote because their vote makes no difference. Go on people arise from your couches and tell the president what you really think of him.
Where to buy all those fine Cuban Cigars you've been hanging out for. Seems like a pretty good deal and they have a complete cuban cigar guide to help you make the right decision on the best way to get tongue cancer.
This guy is pretty cool, he acts out emotions. On the left you can see all the emotions that he has already done and go through them. He seems to be running out of emotions though and has moved more into the comedy realm. I like it This is the "magic trick gone horribly wrong".
Why oh why do people do this? A collection of the best dwarf insults. Some people have just got way too much time on their hands. Highlights include Bulbous nib-chewing gargoyle, Gemless nib-chewing ledge lizard and Cantankerous porridge-faced goblin-spawn. This just proves it. The internet is stupid.
Man I wish we got these commercials here. They'd be so much more interesting than some guy yelling at me to buy buy buy. I say anything to do with the simpsons can only be good, I don't want to hear your crummy arguments about 'selling themselves out' or 'jumping the shark'. Instead I demand a saturation level of at least 90% Simpsons shows and related commercials on mainstream tv.
Sounds like a good way to while away those long hot summer afternoons. A randome water pistol fight with complete strangers. The only problem to me seems to be how would you know who shot who first. I mean normally with water pistol fights everyone just gets soaked in about 5 mintues so the concept of 'kills' seems a little ridiculous. Plus you need a camera phone and most of those aren't water proof as far as I'm aware. Could be an amusing way to bust up your expensive phone though. Anyway if you wanna do it and you live in london and are a chimp the information is here.
I like the idea of this. Fuel cells are so the way of the future and will be powering our devices for decades to come. They say there are issues with taking them on planes because people could use the hydrogen to make explosions. Yeah whatever, although those fuel cell cars could cause a pretty big bang if the hydrogen tank was to rupture.
Well here they are the top ten internet fads . I have to disagree with a few of them. I mean people falling down is pointless. But most of them are right. Tourist guy definitely kicked ass and all your base was one of the better fads to pass through the internet. #1 is definitely right though, starwarskid we think you are the funniest thing since the cosby show.
When I was in the states last year I kept wondering what the hell a po-boy was and now I have my answer. I dunno about you but it seems like a pretty lame thing really. In actual fact it seems to be just a sandwich he even says you can put whatever the hell you want on it. Crazy americans, all I wanted was a cheese sandwich, so I ordered the small. It was so big that it took up half the state of texas. Anyway I'm still a bit confused about the whole po-boy thing. Maybe I'll go look it up some more.
So they've finally released everbody's favourite weapon the ray gun Looks like it'd be a bit bulky to carry around at the moment, especially since you need a 747 to carry it. I can picture a fun fun future where we all have ray guns and live on cities on the moon.
hmmmmm, Laser Scissors eh? I could do with a pair of these. Everytime I cut something straight it looks like there is an earthquake going on. Well no not really, in fact these seem like a pretty lame idea. Like that laser guided pool cue, man that was stupid.
Well this is just plain ridiculous. As a part time photographer I enjoy taking pictures in interesting locations yet now they are trying to stop photos in the New York subway system. Supposedly because terrorists might be able to use the photos to plan attacks. This is just insane and a continuation of the american no fun for anyone policy.
I really gotta get one of these. Besides the ability to go anywhere on water or land it would look really good parked out front.
Continuing the Da Vinci code theme here is a look from Opus Dei, the other main organisation in the book about the truth in the novel. I kind of agree with what they are saying and it appears that a lot of people are having difficulty distinguishing the ficiton from the facts in the novel. As Dan Brown himself says at the start of the book the organisations are real and the documents, ceremonies etc are but the story is not. Dan Brown has certainly woven an interesting tale but most of it is clearly fiction and he certainly takes a lot of liberties with what really is or isn't true.
Well I've just finished reading the da vinci code, a rather entertaining read by Dan Brown. The book certainly started out well but seemed to lose steam in the second half as the story got more and more ridiculous and the characters lost their intelligence. Wanting to know more I looked up some things on the net and here is a rather interesting look at the truth (maybe) about the Priory of Sion.
Well I've updated my photo page with pics of the trusty old trip to Sydney and the radiohead concert. It can be seen here
Unusual Photographs
BBC NEWS | Technology | Return of Colossus marks D-Day
Go Goal go
I Demand a Refund
Hunkabutta: Tokyo photos, a stranger's life in pictures
Alien Autopsy - Faked or Fiction?
The Slow Death of Spontaneous Generation (1668-1859)
Flying Jet-Powered Scale Model Concorde