Inspired by this picture...(Thanks Michael!)

Comes the pope caption contest. The goons on email have already contributed the following entries so feel free to leave more in the comments. Some of them are pure gold. The winner of the contest wins some bodgy prize (yet to be determined) donated by Michael since he was the one who came up with the idea.
Oh God! My urinary tract!! (Mykl)
My eyes! Zee goggles do nothing!! (Mykl)
YEEEEEEAAAAAAARRRRRRRGHGGGHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (in the style of Howard Dean) (Patrick)
Noooo! Pope reveals new pope will legalise contraception. (Lasonovich)
Pope JPII after reading The Da Vinci Code (Dan)
I feel good!! I knew that I would now, HEEEY!! (Mykl)
My god patrick smells! (Mark)
I'll never join yoooooou!!!!! (Patrick)
That isn't my nasal cavity! It aint a feedin tube neither....... (Patrick)
What do you mean I missed the early bird special at the Vatican cafeteria... NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO? (Mark)
Slower...slower...yeah thats good...yeah faster now...faster...yes...yes!! OH SWEET JESUS PRAISE THE LORD (Mykl)
I want a lolly pop...... (Patrick)
Pope releases 30 years of built up flatulence (Lasonovich)
I did it myyyyyyyyyy WAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYY!!!! (Mykl)
Pope accidentally sits on his Pope hat (Mykl)
Papal revelation: Muhammed was right. (Patrick)
Poland loses the World Cup final to Azerbaijan. (Dan)
Vatican City Olympic Greco-Roman Wresting team performs demonstration bout (Patrick)
Pope first to try world's most sour gumball (Mykl)